backlink Question


Registered Member
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Hi All i have a quction realeted to backlinks/anchor text

Suppose A blog has Pr1 rank and I comment in 50 articles with my anchor text(diifrent pages of same blog)

Then it will count 50 pr1 backlinks

Or only 1 backlink count for 1 site
It will be 50 backlinks but only 1 referring domain.

Do not expect a serp increase from this...
50 backlinks and not good enough for SERP increase. BTW the Admin of the site won't Approve your Comments if its not auto approve site.
Also seems like you are referring to the PR1 as the homepage PR so each different page will have a different PR.
So it mean i should get more refer domain instead backlinks to increase seo?
50 different backlinks will be counted, however I don't recommend doing that. Instead try go get a backlinks from 50 different sites.
You will have 50 links, but only 1 pr1. Whether or not these links would help increase your serps, it would depend upon many other factors.
it will count 50 backlinks but 5o backlinks from 50 different site will be preety good for you site to rank