Backlink advice for Newbie


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hello Guys,

I was checking topics to learn how people get backlinks and read some comments regarding the SER tools for example, GSA, networker, rankwyz and money robot. I'm newbie but trying to figure out which way/tool would be beneficial for me.

I have niche website and trying to get backlinks from related forums by replying to the posts. But it's too much time-consuming and if I would like to open 2nd, 3rd or more websites I will end up spending hours for only backlinks. I'd like to use some of the tools but also I read many bad comments as well as good ones. Not sure what to believe or use. Any advice?
I wouldn't suggest using GSA, Rankerx, or any other tool for the money sites.

Use it to boost your tier 1 or tier 2 links.
Thanks for reply mmubeen. I didnt understand. What should I use to boost my tier 1 or tier 2 links?
Create Tier 1 links manually and then use these tools on those links.
trying to get backlinks from related forums by replying to the posts.
This is the lowest quality backlink that you can get, mostly no-f0llow. I don't even know if this is worth it in this age.

I was previously told that GSA tools are the most favored ones to do this but I think it will have a steep learning curve.
I wouldn't suggest using GSA, Rankerx, or any other tool for the money sites.

Use it to boost your tier 1 or tier 2 links.
Hi, I have GSA SER, GSA proxy scraper and GSA indexer, Do i need to purchase other software for run T2,T3?
Hi, I have GSA SER, GSA proxy scraper and GSA indexer, Do i need to purchase other software for run T2,T3?

You’ll need a content generator like GSA Content Generator and captcha solver like Xevil to solve captchas
This is the lowest quality backlink that you can get, mostly no-f0llow. I don't even know if this is worth it in this age.

I was previously told that GSA tools are the most favored ones to do this but I think it will have a steep learning curve.
For the sake of diversity - it's worth