autoblogging help please


Registered Member
Aug 13, 2010
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hey every one...i have been wanting to set up my first autoblog...i'v read quite a few good threads about auto blog both on ****** n bhw...and also came across shezboy's shezblogging videos and finally gave it a shot
but i am facing sum difficulties and it would be wonderful if you guys could help me out a bit

1- shez boy recommended using wp-robot, i got wp-robot-3 but i find it quite complicated so is there a plugin which can get most work done with quite a few options (like a code for adding the source link at the bootom of the leeched post)

2- latest twitter tools doesnt seem to work with wp 3.0.1 or atleast it doesnt in my case...i registered my site as an app as required and filled in all the keys n tokens but still authentications is failing on twitter tools.

3- i tried leeching posts with wp-robot3 and what i dont like abt these posts is that they are FULL of the source websites links ... plus these posts by default contain 'related posts' from the original is there a way or a plugin to extract JUST the content with images or video but not any other link of any kind from the rss. or do i need to manually re-write all the feeds?

4- i also tried my luck with latest wp-o-matic but i just would not add a new campaign.

5- i read some where tht gossip health and entertainment are few of the best niches for autobloging, but i am more interested in tech, gadgets, mobiles so i thought i'd build a blog around these but there is so much talk about going for micro niches tht now am a bit confused should i keep my topics broad term or should i pick some micro niche

6- and can some one suggest a good and free plus effective traffic source which is not very time consuming? as i cant exactly manage spending hours online daily with my studies.

any help, advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated as i know this kind of got a bit long!

thanks alot!
Dude, WP - Robot is extremely easy to use, so I would say; google for instructions if u dont understand
well i found it a bit complicated, considering hav never used it before, plus it has changed since shezboy posted its video for setup and settings so i am finding it a bit confusing to implement it with my autoblog
do auto comments even work? ive ran a blog and i approve all comments. do any backlinks EVER get through?

Sometimes i find the shortcuts to be a waste
1. Take the time to learn WPRobot 3. It is different than WPRobot 2 which Shezboy has on his videos but once you get the hang of it then it works great.

2. Twitter tools does work with wp3.01 as I use it on many of my autoblogs. The problem may be with the theme you are using. Try different themes and you'll find one that works.

3. What kind of posts are you referring that are loaded with links? I don't use the articles because I found many to be irrelevant so I stopped using that module. Amazon, CJ, RSS and Youtube modules work very well. The Clickbank module pulls in non related crap as well.

4. Sorry but I can't help with wp-o-matic

5. If you can monetize it and people are buying then go for it. If people weren't making money in tech and gadgets then NO ONE would have these types of blogs. The odds of you hitting a home run on your first blog are minimal so don't think about it like that. Just start building. BTW I do have a few tech/gadget autoblogs so I know people buy the stuff.

6. Read the forum. There are PLENTY of methods to get free traffic. Get tweet attacks and you'll start to get plenty of traffic from Twitter.
5- i read some where tht gossip health and entertainment are few of the best niches for autobloging, but i am more interested in tech, gadgets, mobiles so i thought i'd build a blog around these but there is so much talk about going for micro niches tht now am a bit confused should i keep my topics broad term or should i pick some micro niche

go and look in google , se how competitions is and then see which keywords are good to target and it doesnt need to be huge keyword , just so that you can earn decent and little competition.
5. If you can monetize it and people are buying then go for it. If people weren't making money in tech and gadgets then NO ONE would have these types of blogs. The odds of you hitting a home run on your first blog are minimal so don't think about it like that. Just start building. BTW I do have a few tech/gadget autoblogs so I know people buy the stuff.

i was getting rss feeds from some blogs in my niche and then getting them posted on my blog but they many 'related posts' already linking back to the original site. i just want the content of the feed not any other info like related posts or any other urls linking back.

i want to give credit to the original website thats why i want a link to that website at the end of the post. what i dont want is all the 'related posts' links at the end or any affiliate link.
There's a load of free information on autoblogging that might help you at
Zed, I'm in the same boat. I'm new to autoblogging (working on my 1st blog), WP3, & doing the Shezblog method. I also found it difficult following Shez's vids because he uses an older version of WP. However, after some due diligence, I figured out how to use the Amazon & Youtube modules, but cant figure out the whole RSS thing. As of now my blog looks too spammy with just Youtube vids and products from amazon. Can you give me tips on using or point me in the right direction to learn it??
Zed, I'm in the same boat. I'm new to autoblogging (working on my 1st blog), WP3, & doing the Shezblog method. I also found it difficult following Shez's vids because he uses an older version of WP. However, after some due diligence, I figured out how to use the Amazon & Youtube modules, but cant figure out the whole RSS thing. As of now my blog looks too spammy with just Youtube vids and products from amazon. Can you give me tips on using or point me in the right direction to learn it??

i am really not the rite person to guide you, i am trying to monetize my autoblog with adsense, i am getting 50+ hits every day but no i think may be my ad placement is wrong so i'll try different areas, also look around for ernest hemingway's auto blogging guide and also one more guide by malachute (i am not sure about the user names and cant post links yet) you mite get some more ideas...ryt now i am just trying to find the rite combination of modules as i dont think i can do it rite in just a week of autoblogging