[ASK] Set up Google Apps at Go daddy


Power Member
Oct 11, 2009
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Hi guys,

I bought a domain from Go Daddy
I hosted it with another third party web hosting
I want to set up Google Apps for my Domain.

How do I do it?
is my domain. I tried Google'ing and found many online guides but then the major problem I don't know where to edit the DNS records for my domain name.

I clicked on My Accounts->Domain manager-> The "Total DNS Control" option says (Not Available) as I have not hosted it with Go Daddy.

Only if I get to click on the Total DNS Control option, I will be able to update my MX records to get my Google Apps activated. So, how do I set up Google Apps in Go daddy?

Please help!
Well if you already did setup the nameservers under godaddy total dns control, then you need to go to your hosting company to do the necessary mx changes for your domain name.

With hostgator I usually login into their live support. and tell them "I want to use google apps with domain.com" and in 1 minute they did it. Check out the support at your hosting company
Thanks mate for taking time to reply me! I will do that. Meanwhile I was also browsing Google to find out why does it say Not Available under Total DNS. I figured out it will become Available only if the Go Daddy's name servers point to it's own name servers.

A new learning!

EDIT: The problem however is resolved now yet I have a query...

Please confirm me if I am correct in my understanding:

1. I registered a domain with Go Daddy and did not change any of their default name servers
2. I activate Google Apps by creating the necessary CNAME and MX records
3. Can I change back the Name Servers to my hosting company now? Will the Google Apps still work?

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