Ask About RUDE Question.. Noobie


Junior Member
May 16, 2008
Reaction score
please check my stats...

Hits Free Join Join:Hits Conversion Conver : Join Total Earn
130 5 1:26 1 1:5 $1

1. did Rude pay per free sign up or per conversion sign up?
2. If they pay per conversion, why don't we promote pay-per-sale and get $30 instead of getting $1 per free sign up?

Advice please...

A conversion is a free member who verifies his email by clicking a link sent to him, not someone who pays anything. They have a very shitty verification system because they can still use the site even if they don't, but there are ways to get people to verify it.

Someone said they would be changing the verification system soon, so let's hope so.
You are better off with promoting pay per free signup

Because of the changes rude has made your leads now have to confirm their email address for you to be paid the $1

This is why your joins to convs ratio is so bad.

You can also get your hits to joins ratio down lower that 1:26 by creating yourself a customized lander because personally i think their current join page is shit.

make a lander with testimonials, and describe the features of the site with pictures not just text, also make it very clear on your lander that they NEED TO CONFIM THEIR EMAIL ADDRESS IN ORDER TO ACCESS ALL OF THE EXCLUSIVE PARTS OF RUDE Because they have not implemented their "block all access to non confirmed emails" system yet just make up some bullshit about all the good parts of rude being blocked unless you confirm your email.

Like say, you will get access to the live cam shows ONLY IF YOU CONFIRM YOUR EMAIL
looks like your about a month to late buddy. rude was good about a month ago.. alots of recent reports of shaving have been going on. ppl have found a new affiliate ($2signup) but arent sharing (we dont want it saturated). Look around in the affiliate section maybe you can find it there..
looks like your about a month to late buddy. rude was good about a month ago.. alots of recent reports of shaving have been going on. ppl have found a new affiliate ($2signup) but arent sharing (we dont want it saturated). Look around in the affiliate section maybe you can find it there..

Yeah.. Some doing good with rude, some does not. :)

There are plenty of other affiliates you can go for.
adultdatelink, datinggold, anastasia (russian brides), au-pair, etc etc.