Article Samura Reviews?


Regular Member
Nov 25, 2009
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I see there currently doing their second launch...any honest reviews on this thing as it's been a couple months since they did the original launch?

Biggest thing that bothers me is that they hype up the 50000 network number but then say your only going to average 150 links wtf?

Any idea if their 50k network is anything unique or more just an aggregation of the various common ones we already know about? Many of which I highly doubt effectivness of based on other user reviews.

Can't go thru their vids anymore as they are the most boring bunch of cats I've ever listened too.

Love market samura, but is this article samurai worth messing with?
I see there currently doing their second launch...any honest reviews on this thing as it's been a couple months since they did the original launch?

Biggest thing that bothers me is that they hype up the 50000 network number but then say your only going to average 150 links wtf?

Any idea if their 50k network is anything unique or more just an aggregation of the various common ones we already know about? Many of which I highly doubt effectivness of based on other user reviews.

Can't go thru their vids anymore as they are the most boring bunch of cats I've ever listened too.

Love market samura, but is this article samurai worth messing with?

Where did you find out it was launching again? I don't see anything on their page and I guess I bought MS too late because I didnt receive an email about it
A month? Get the fuck out of here. AMR is a 1 off.

Do u know the difference between blog network submission and article directory submission?A review from someone using it would be really great.If What they claiming is true then it's really cheap...
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Do u know the difference between blog network submission and article directory submission?

Yes & I think 97 a month for a guaranteed 150 links is a rip off. If u think it is a good value I encourage u to buy the software
I'm troubled by their statement that UAW has 30k directories...

I stopped using UAW last year, as submissions were down to around 150-200 per run.

Does anyone have any idea of how many sites are REALLY in UAW or AMA - which are the 2 networks they use to create the 50k figure. The vast majority of UAW ones at the end were junk blogs or just emails. They actually had the audacity to call an article emailed out to their list a 'submission'!

If they REALLY had access to 50k sites, and I was able to hit the majority of these, then I'd pay FAR more than $97...
Yes & I think 97 a month for a guaranteed 150 links is a rip off. If u think it is a good value I encourage u to buy the software
I guess you don't know how a blog network works,Everytime you submit your article,it gets randomly submitted to a number of blogs,In this case article samurai submits to random 150 blogs in one go.If u r not weak in math just do a little math and figure out what if you submit 10 times a day..