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Article Marketing sites?


Regular Member
Nov 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys, I need a list of Sites that will allow me to post my articles and post a backlink in them back to my site.

Here are some I know of, please list more:

1) Ezine
2) Snipsly
3) Articlecity
5) Article Trader
5) Infobarrel
6) Scooper Articles

Here is around 3000 directory list: hxxp://www.directorycritic.com/article-directory-list.html
Here is some good sites with good PR and nofollow information
S.NO URL Alexa Rating Google Pagerank No Follow

1. knol.google.com 1 7 NF!
2. ehow.com 148 7 NF!
3. squidoo.com 209 7
4. hubpages.com 295 6
5. ezinearticles.com 300 6
6. examiner.com 742 7 NF!
7. articlesbase.com 1,089 6 NF!
8. technorati.com 1,146 8
9. seekingalpha.com 1,295 7 NF!
10. buzzle.com 1,671 5
11. associatedcontent.com 1,749 7 NF!
12. suite101.com 2,241 7
13. gather.com 2,402 6
14. goarticles.com 2,526 3
15. brighthub.com 2,911 6
16. selfgrowth.com 4,017 6
17. ezinemark.com 4,027 3
18. helium.com 4,142 6 NF!
19. thefreelibrary.com 4,282 7
20. infobarrel.com 4,658 4
21. ideamarketers.com 4,847 5
22. articlesnatch.com 4,904 5 NF!
23. pubarticles.com 5,158 4
24. bukisa.com 6,051 5 NF!
25. articlealley.com 6,054 5 NF!
26. amazines.com 6,093 3
27. selfseo.com 6,226 5
28. sooperarticles.com 6,303 5
29. triond.com 6,869 5
30. articledashboard.com 7,450 5
31. web-source.net 7,580 3
32. articlerich.com 7,718 4
33. isnare.com 8,791 5
34. articleclick.com 9,648 4
35. articlecity.com 10,046 5
36. submityourarticle.com 11,488 4
37. articlesfactory.com 11,519 4
38. articletrader.com 11,598 5
39. articleblast.com 13,566 5
40. upublish.info 13,753 4
41. articleslash.net 13,838 5
42. EvanCarmichael.com 14,158 5
43. biggerpockets.com 14,725 4 NF!
44. articlecompilation.com 15,788 4
45. thewhir.com/find/ 16,036 5
46. site-reference.com 16,264 5
47. articlecube.com 16,272 4
48. ultimatearticledirectory.com 16,992 3
49. xomba.com 17,053 4 NF!
50. articlemonkeys.com 17,233 3 NF!
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Personal faves acc to order:

1. Ezinearticles
2. Goarticles
3. Article Dashboard
