Article Directories, does their PR matter?


Junior Member
Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
I'm researching each element of offline SEO individually, learning its benifits and how it works. At the moment, I am looking into the advantages of submitting articles to article websites.

I've made some assumptions and would welcome anyone to put me straight...

By adding one of my articles to an article website:

- My article should contain a link to my website so that if someone wishes to rip my article and paste it in their site, I have accomplished a free backlink (assuming they don't see the link)? [TRUE / FALSE]

- Listing My article (inclusive of a link back to my website) on a large number of article sites will give me more linkjuice because google potentially will see numerous sites with my website URL/article page within them? [TRUE / FALSE]

- Page Ranking of these article websites makes no difference? [TRUE / FALSE ]

- A "reading whore" (lol) i.e. someone who loves to read a lot of articles would visit article websites because they like reading fresh articles, and this in turn could make them read more directly at my website (so long as I include a link)? [TRUE / FALSE]

- Anything else that i've missed out?


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Your article should contain a link so that you get a backlink from the article website to help increase your search engine rankings. Someone copying your article I think is a minor thought compared to this first part.

Listing UNIQUE/SPUN articles with a backlink will give you more juice and help move you up in the rankings.

PR is important to some extent because it helps determine how strong the juice is. Also there's a pretty good chance that PR0 sites are the spammiest of the lot.

Unless you're submitting your article to one of the main directories (ezines, for instance), I think the chances of someone reading your article and clicking through are pretty low. It's really all about the quality contextual backlink and the juice that gives you.
My articles are not spud, they're 100% written from my head so I guess that'd be unique enough. And so effectively, the main reason for submitting my article to article sites is to obtain link juice from that article site via my backlink? Which would mean submitting articles to higher PR article sites is the better option.

I noticed that on most article sites, they say NO backlinks or affiliate links in the articles. Do I ignore them and slip one in anyway? They all usually have a "footer" for the article allowing you to "describe the author" and they allow 1 or 2 backlinks in this section, so this is the obvious spot to throw in the backlink, however why wont they let me throw it into the article instead?
My opinion is it doesn't matter. You build lnks to your article and create your own pagerank. The domain PR could help if it's passed down to your article, but in most cases they don't get much, if any juice at all.
My articles are not spud, they're 100% written from my head so I guess that'd be unique enough. And so effectively, the main reason for submitting my article to article sites is to obtain link juice from that article site via my backlink? Which would mean submitting articles to higher PR article sites is the better option.

I noticed that on most article sites, they say NO backlinks or affiliate links in the articles. Do I ignore them and slip one in anyway? They all usually have a "footer" for the article allowing you to "describe the author" and they allow 1 or 2 backlinks in this section, so this is the obvious spot to throw in the backlink, however why wont they let me throw it into the article instead?

I just wanted to be sure each directory was getting its own version of an article (spun, unique, whatever).

Some sites don't allow links in the articles but they allow it in the author bio box...and they append the bio box as if it was part of the article a lot of the time...So you can just add some persuasive text there. "Hey if you'd like more information about _____ then you can visit ______", things like that. I don't know offhand why they don't want it in the article. Probably because they get spammed less that way :)
My opinion is it doesn't matter. You build lnks to your article and create your own pagerank. The domain PR could help if it's passed down to your article, but in most cases they don't get much, if any juice at all.

It sounds like you're disqualifying all domain PR if the page itself has no PR.. Meaning a link on a web 2.0 from is as good as any other web 2.0 everything else equal.

That's really not my general understanding of SEO - domain PR matters, though page PR is a lot better, specially if the link is contextual and the page has few OBL.