What the hell.
You're talking to people who aim for $xx thousand a day. So I don't know what advice you put in front of us.
Wrong audience. You don't sound like you're actually trying to help someone, but push your chat gpt ideas here.
There's not gpt ideas, or anything similar. As I said before, if you paid attention, I used gpt in order to rephrase my ideas and correct my english mistakes and phrases.
As you can pretty much tell, my english is understandable, but not perfect.
After that, I see that's maybe the wrong audience. There are many people blaming me because in their country they earn up to 300/400€. I know that. I based my post on a United States salary, which goes around for 2,000$USD. The thing is that playing with this numbers seems to be wrong with the "Making Money" audience.
In my country the Minium Wage / Salary is 750€. There's no excuses in this planet for what I am trying to tell other people in this post. I guarantee you, if this post is correctly absorved by someone, they will manage to make some money. That's what I've done forever, and that's how I managed to make it all till today.
I really shared my most precious advise. I hope this post helps anyone, but unfortnualy, I am starting to notice that this post only attracted people that want to criticize.
Even if 1 person learns something from me, I will be happy and glad for it.