Are backlinks from same ip useless?


Junior Member
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
I am now doing spam according to Micallef's method
When I found out one site has spammer, I will go to google and use "site" to get a list then start to spam.

So I am wondering that from many seo ebooks where describe if backlinks from same ip/website are useless or says that count as one backlink.

I think it is another myth as well as nofollow, but I have no proofs :D
I once got a tons of backlinks from different people on myspace. My page rank definitely went up. Is myspace all one IP? Never checked. All the spamming on those kickapp sites definitely helped rankings and those were all one IP. Then again..I'm always looking for different IPs when back linking myself.
I've seen people repeatedly say that a link from a site hosted at the same IP or DNS will be worth nothing, but I don't think there is any validity behind it as well, from experience. I have website A that has a PR3, and when I launched website B a few months ago I integrated it in the navigation of site A. Site B immediately had a PR2 as soon as it was indexed. Yes, same host, same DNS.

Now I don't know if that is specifically my host is possibly a "trusted" host, or what may be different in situations where people saw no PR carryover, these are just my observations.
Well thanks for biks and drulay!
hmm, there have been many people new to seo misleading by people or ebook, including me.
I would think its all about moderation and appearing natural, pretty much everything with SEO is to make our non normal sites look normal.
If you have 5,10, or 1,000 links from one IP pointing to another but there is a lot of content there shouldn't be a penalty. I mean otherwise dig -> cnn or foxnews would penalize the news websites. They have tons of pages so a ton of links is to be expected.

On the other hand if you have 1,000 links from a 1 page site pointing to your one page sales page thats probably going to penalize you.
Site B immediately had a PR2 as soon as it was indexed. Yes, same host, same DNS.

Thats pretty 'lucky' as they dont do the public viewable PR updates that often ...
No, It's by no means useless. I have seen blogs in Dp sig links. When i checked their backlinks, I have found that 90% of the backlinks to their blog were from DP(sig links). not only that, they even had PR, just relying on backlinks from DP. So I would say it works, but you shouldn't stop at it. try to build links from multiple sources as much as you can.
Thats pretty 'lucky' as they dont do the public viewable PR updates that often ...

I guess by immediate I meant it was brought to my attention a week of launch. Don't know how much sooner it was than that it was (installed a PR toolbar right after that to observe the changes quicker). A little over a month after creating some backlinks, they upped the PR to 3 of Website B (site A still at PR3 as I'm not doing seo work on it right now until I launch the rebuild of it). Just took over website C (on separate IP/Hosting) which existed for 1 year and had PR of 0. Put a banner at the bottom of every page on Website B and within a week again site C had a PR of 2. Maybe I just had good timing for the both, as upping the PR after my initial launch links are a bit more sluggish....

Website C's server kinda sucks and I'm seriously thinking of mitigating the site to A & B's host. From what I've seen thus far it doesn't seem this will affect me Google/PR-wise....
It's been said by various "top" SEOs that the IP makes little to no difference.

I personally have about 14 sites, all on the same IP which cross link to each other. Only one of them has a backlink from another site (also on the same IP) which is a PR4 and after several months, many of the 14 sites are PR2 and have traffic for their target keywords. I don't think if each site was on a different IP that they would rank any better although if there was a gain from doing this, it would probably be slight.

You can always run some easy experiments to see but I think the guys paying for hosting with multiple class C IPs are wasting their money unless they are doing sketchy stuff and looking to cover their tracks in which case it's useful.
It reminds me of the Chinese old saying - better no book rather than trust book completely.