I use Synnd for a client of mine (They pay for it). We have the enterprise level ($149 per month/ 14,000 credits).
Campaign set ups are easy
Tracking reports to see where your money was spent
Campaigns can be split amongst various social networks (100 G +1's/500 retweets/500 FB likes/etc)
They have to approve the campaigns so I think that would rule out adult/pharma efforts
It takes anywhere from 2-3 days for the campaigns to go live
The network isn't all that great (the peeps who will be sharing/promotion your stuff)
When you cancel, do it the day before your renewal - otherwise they charge you for the whole month
customer support is very slow
Overall - I wouldn't pay for it. I think you are better off paying some people here in the forums to get higher quality services
That's my $.02