Anyone Using Synnd?


Regular Member
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Saw a review of Synnd on and saw mixed emotions in the comments section. The review was positive, but many people say they have technical issues all the time. Was curious if anyone has anything to say (positive or negative) about Synnd?
I was thinking the same too! I think I will give them a try and post a review here...possibly..and twitterbacklinks too.
Is Twitterbacklinks using bots or real accounts? I like that synnd uses different peoples computers and not just a bot.
I've been in Synnd for 2 1/2 months. It's been pretty smooth so far except for a few days when I couldn't login.

I mostly use the Bookmarking and Social modules. Some of the others cost too many points for my taste.

My Rankings have been down since Panda, but I don't attribute that to Synnd.
You can use it, though it has some obscene; but overall it just okay.
I wouldn't say its pure shit, but its not going to provide super high quality stuff. I use one of the highest plans they have and for the money its pretty decent and a nice one stop interface.
I wouldn't say its pure shit, but its not going to provide super high quality stuff. I use one of the highest plans they have and for the money its pretty decent and a nice one stop interface.
How much do you spend per month? And what do you get in exchange?
Check out SociSynd - we went live with it yesterday - We have a beta testers thread here on blackhatworld and are waiting for a mod to get back to us to let us know if we can get it listed here
I use Synnd for a client of mine (They pay for it). We have the enterprise level ($149 per month/ 14,000 credits).

Campaign set ups are easy
Tracking reports to see where your money was spent
Campaigns can be split amongst various social networks (100 G +1's/500 retweets/500 FB likes/etc)

They have to approve the campaigns so I think that would rule out adult/pharma efforts
It takes anywhere from 2-3 days for the campaigns to go live
The network isn't all that great (the peeps who will be sharing/promotion your stuff)
When you cancel, do it the day before your renewal - otherwise they charge you for the whole month
customer support is very slow

Overall - I wouldn't pay for it. I think you are better off paying some people here in the forums to get higher quality services

That's my $.02