Anyone need wordpress youtube mass embedder script?


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Anyone need wordpress youtube mass embedder script?
I thought that any freeware RSS aggregation plugin can do that. Am I wrong?
It'll take number of keywords from a file, scrape youtube and posts it to the blog, almost immediately.
Yeah it's free. I am about to finish it. 'll give it in couple of days.
For simplicity, keywords 'll be read from the textarea and not files, still you can have 100's of keywords :-)
I still didn't get it.. Why not go to, generate the feed for the keywords you want and pull it with any RSS/Atom syndicating plugin (e.g. FeedWordPress, Wp-o-Matic, CyberSyn etc)?
There you have to manually generate the feed for each categories or keywords and I believe the max results would be only 50. I have just automated it to get 100's of keywords and it can fetch 1000 videos per keyword (if videos are available). Again setting up feeds in those plugins are quite tedious.
Still testing it. was able to post around 5000 videos in an hour during one of my test :-)
Guys PM me with your mail. I'll share the download link.
Can it by any chance add videos to existing posts based on title and/or tags?
No, It won't add it to any existing posts...
Hi hope this is in the right place to post, I am looking for a script or plugin that will pull all my 476 videos off Youtube and import them as posts, will this script do that?
I have been using Automatic Youtube Video Posts plugin but it only pulls 215 and loads of people are having the same issue.

If I start to post the rest of the videos in manually they don't have the same format as the plugin "Automatic Youtube Video Posts"
I don't have the time to import these myself, all i want is a video on its own page with the title and whatever content that is in the description if any.

Is all this possible with a plugin or script or is it going to have to be manually put in?

I would even pay someone to do it for me if the price is right.
