Anyone get their YouTube channels re-monetized after six months?


May 7, 2014
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I'm asking specifically about people who lost monetization for all YouTube accounts connected to an AdSense account. I think YouTube started doing this late last year. All of my active YouTube accounts that are connected to AdSense are in good standing, but I had one channel that had two strikes before I lost monetization and one channel that had one strike. The one-strike channel strike expired about 2 days after I lost monetization and has been in good standing since. The two-strike channel was never going to be in good standing, so I deleted the channel and the whole Google account a few days after losing monetization. Do you think that will be enough for me to regain monetization after 6 months? Do deleted accounts affect your overall standing with YouTube when they consider re-monetization? I'm sure there are a lot of other people out there who are waiting to see what's going to happen with these cases, so it would be interesting to hear what happened to anyone who waited the whole 6 months. I have about three weeks left.
You should check your adsense for info about that.
You should check your adsense for info about that.
It's been more than 5 months and everything on the AdSense end looks normal. No policy violations, no messages related to YouTube, I'm still getting paid for site ads. The issue seems confined to YouTube. The end of last year YouTube made a change that affected people like me who had profitable channels with copyrighted content. Before the change, if a channel was in bad standing or deleted you could just reupload to a new channel. Now if you have one channel in trouble, they take away monetization for all channels connected to your AdSense account. With 20/20 hindsight I should have given MCNs their cut to prevent all of my channels getting dinged at once but I had no way of knowing that at the time. YouTube is a moving target. What works today may not work tomorrow. The only reason I want monetization back is so I can disconnect my channels from AdSense and diversify my subs and views with various MCNs.
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