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Anyone get scammed on IG?


Junior Member
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
I know I am dumb. A local Las Vegas guy was offering a “lifetime” mentorship. Yes, he is a multi millionaire. He claimed to make 100 million with BTC and own several start ups. After doing due diligence, stupidly after I paid, he only has money because his dad became a billionaire from a huge HOA settlement in the recession.
Long story short, he has provided no mentoring and won’t refund my money.
What would you do in this situation?
If you paid via PayPal, you could request a refund.

If bank, go to bank and try to chargeback
Either chargeback for services not provided since he’s refusing to refund or consider the money you lost to be the “tuition” cost of the experience this loss has provided.

99.9% of mentorships/gurus are scams. If these people were truly as wealthy as they say, they likely wouldn’t waste time mentoring people for small sums of money.

if they are are trying to sell a “fool-proof” money making strategy... just think, why would someone, if they found money making strategy, share the secret to people for a small sum of money
I know I am dumb. A local Las Vegas guy was offering a “lifetime” mentorship. Yes, he is a multi millionaire. He claimed to make 100 million with BTC and own several start ups. After doing due diligence, stupidly after I paid, he only has money because his dad became a billionaire from a huge HOA settlement in the recession.
Long story short, he has provided no mentoring and won’t refund my money.
What would you do in this situation?
Why would a millionaire scam people?
Sounds like he's just like the hundreds of thousands of other "gurus" who just pretend to have money but don't own jackshit and their only source of income is scamming people like you
Sorry about it, hope you can do some kind of chargeback
Why would a millionaire scam people?
Sounds like he's just like the hundreds of thousands of other "gurus" who just pretend to have money but don't own jackshit and their only source of income is scamming people like you
Sorry about it, hope you can do some kind of chargeback
That was the question that gave me the trust to get screwed. Why would this guy scam me out of money when he clearly has money. I assume it’s just him showing off his dads money as if it’s his.
He now is pushing a IG follower “service” along with his “mentorship”. I wonder if he purchases followers from someone here?
I payed Zelle so hopefully my bank will chargeback.
PRO TIP 101.

Before you invest on any such relatable stuff, make sure you consider BHW to get the best reviews.
Share his IG name or report him to the almighty CoffeeZilla on YT. :D

Anyways, the only thing you can do is to apply for a chargeback (depending on which payment platform you used) or get him arrested by the police.

Next time, don't spend your hard earned money on shitty gurus who don't know jack shit about the course they're selling. Almost all of them are scammers (in fact, 99%+).
Sorry to hear. As others have said, try with whatever method you paid to have them do a chargeback. I always try and use credit card, as my card supplier will always do a chargeback up til 6 months if you can prove...and they are always impartial and listen to facts...unlike PP who are only interested in their cut....

I don't know your US law, but if local you probably have the option of an almost no cost action which you can easily look into.

Then shame the shit of of him on his social media... he may refund to stop you... I don't see a problem with sharing here so no one here gets burned (mods please remove if not appropriate)
Dad is billionaire and the guy is multi-millionaire and he is selling a IG follower “service” along with his “mentorship”.

All these things doesn't add up.
Share his IG name or report him to the almighty CoffeeZilla on YT. :D

Anyways, the only thing you can do is to apply for a chargeback (depending on which payment platform you used) or get him arrested by the police.

Next time, don't spend your hard earned money on shitty gurus who don't know jack shit about the course they're selling. Almost all of them are scammers (in fact, 99%+).
@indianaxjones Yes, this CoffeeZilla idea is a good one.