Anyone Else Experienced Bing Ads Disabling?

Proxy Cake

Elite Member
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys so I'm trying to run Bing accounts with coupons but after about 5 days of running a campaign, my account is disabled. Have any of you experienced this? If so, did you manage to find a solution?

True but I wanna find a way that I make accounts that stay alive.
Used 1 account with success with fresh domain and on my own real ip, Other 4's was on proxies and also with coupons, all got bans. Even tried contacting Bing via they live chat, asked them coupon directly and got, later got ban. So I just thought if I wanna get into this, I will need real money and pay them real money for my shit.
get the account approved before you add the coupon. you might have to deposit $10 from a working cc first.
Bing is a complete fuckup atm, I would strongly suggest not going with them until they got their shit sorted.
I did one of my account got disabled and got a reply back from Bing Ad team. "One Coupon/account/month" is only accepted and they are looking into this matter very seriously....:D
So it seems to me a good way to go about this would be to spend $25 on your CC then add a coupon. Will test soon and report back.