Anybody tried GScraper?


Elite Member
Aug 17, 2011
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Has anyone tried GScraper? I just heard of it via an email from BHS, who claim that some of their clients prefer it to SB. Curious to hear some feedback...
i bought it last week and yes this thing blows scrapebox out of the water. Scrapebox does not even compare to this thing. this is a beast
I use it, its a great tool for building lists and posting to them.

I do not prefer one to another but Gscraper does the job extremely quickly and that helps a lot :), Its quite easy to find High PR domains to post to.
If anyone knows more about this I'll be happy to hear so, it looks very interesting so to say.

From what I've read all looks superb, but some user experience tells more than such a page, so bring it on if you have that experience!
Bought it last week, unfortunately have not had the pleasure of taking it for a run yet. That said if this thing lives up to it's promise it will become the new scrapebox.
Great to hear, for the price of $38 I'm not letting it lay around so I'll pick it up and try out myself. It looks really good but am still curious about others experiences with the tool.
hmmm...may have to check it out then, thanks for the feedback guys
I use both, I think they are good in their own ways.

Scrapebox has more functionality with all the plugins associated, so are you looking for more than posting get SB..

Gscraper makes it easier to build lists and post to them (don't know the success rates though....have not figured out how to see "posted and visible links"). So it seems building links and posting to them are way easier and better with Gscraper
I was just going to pick up sb. Maybe I will just end up getting both.
Bought Gscraper 2 days ago, and it rocks! Spitting out 50K links/minute while scraping for list! One thing for sure, you need TONS of good proxies for this, although you can get a 7 day free access to their premium proxy server.
I think if you need trackback, Ping mode, ScrapeBox will be done. But if you pursue faster speed, more high PR links and more posting platform, GScraper is better. GScraper can post to any anonymous posting platform (Officials said). To me, I found at least 100 different platform.
Sorry I was wrong, GScraper now support trackback and Ping. Auto Ping at posting or trackbacking when found the auto approved URL.
hmmm...may have to check it out then, thanks for the feedback guys

At this time, Google(/ncr) ScrapeBox. Click the 2nd site, it will turn to GScraper website, and this website just build with in 4 days! How to do it?
exceptional for scraping, really quick and some nice functions. where it falls down is posting... unless you have a sub to their proxy service don't expect many results. I have asked their support twice why using private proxies results in limited success posted urls and they can't give me an answer. it's as though they have corrupted the use of proxies to promote their own service which by the way is expensive....
Load the "failed"-files in your gscraper directory, go to "filter tab and hit "delete if html doesn`t include" and enter this into the filter-field: href="" href='' You will find many AA-urls which don`t appear in AAfollow- or AAnofollow-lists that GScraper saves. Try this after a week or so to only get the sticky urls - hope it helps to find more of AA-urls.