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Any tool to search comment in xvideo?


Jan 6, 2016
Reaction score
hi, i am curious to know if there is any tool which, search on my given term in xvideo and return those video having that text, i am planning to make an awesome video tube site, so need to find out videos for that.i
Like the porn site? I know this is a Black Hat community and you don't care about ethics at all. But if you plan on making money scrutinizing other people's bodies and expect to feel good about yourself - go for it. But if you don't know how to use search indexing and build/find a custom tool to search a porn website for specific niche videos; you don't have the right skill set to make such a site. Sorry if that's the hurtful truth but you'll learn that the hard way. Anyways, good luck with your endeavour.
Like the porn site? I know this is a Black Hat community and you don't care about ethics at all. But if you plan on making money scrutinizing other people's bodies and expect to feel good about yourself - go for it. But if you don't know how to use search indexing and build/find a custom tool to search a porn website for specific niche videos; you don't have the right skill set to make such a site. Sorry if that's the hurtful truth but you'll learn that the hard way. Anyways, good luck with your endeavour.
What the hell you on about, he wants to no if there a app to search the comments with in xvideo , that got nothink to do with his ability to program a porn website at all . (( can you help or just insult?
Can you spell and grammar ^. I'm not insulting him. If you take it as an insult, so be it. I'm advising against what he's doing and explained why. If you had something beneficial to say, go say it.

Why scrutinize one comment? We have the freedom to say what we want in these forums. We're here to benefit others. I'm not going to stay quiet if someone is doing what I see is the wrong thing. I'm trying to help that person.

One sees it as trolling, another sees it as helping, while someone else sees it as being condescending. Whatever view you see it is your opinion. I was trying to help in my honest way.
I never said I didn't. I just stated you shouldn't be making a porn site if you don't know how to make a search function that copies videos from another site.

Guys, in advance I'm sorry. I didn't know people get emotional over this shit. I said my honest thoughts that were in the best intentions to help him, yet you guys think I did something horribly wrong. Sorry I was just trying to help.
I never said I didn't. I just stated you shouldn't be making a porn site if you don't know how to make a search function that copies videos from another site.

Guys, in advance I'm sorry. I didn't know people get emotional over this shit. I said my honest thoughts that were in the best intentions to help him, yet you guys think I did something horribly wrong. Sorry I was just trying to help.
He didn't ask for you opinion. If you can't answer his Q, bug off.
"inserttermhere" site:xvideos.com?

Edit: Oops, sorry, I just noticed you wanted a tool and this was in the Black Hat Tools section.

If you have the money, there may be someone who can code that tool for you here.
hi, i am curious to know if there is any tool which, search on my given term in xvideo and return those video having that text, i am planning to make an awesome video tube site, so need to find out videos for that.i
xvideo has one built-in search engine?
that does not search comments tab, and in advance if someone suggesting to download database of them it does not contains comment.
Is xvideo a big website? Deep crawl it!
The comments are not in page's source? A little trick will dig out data hidden behind javascript, etc.

If it's indexed, "xxx" site:xvideos.com really works.
Big search engine seems index almost everything now.