The guy here with the tagged bot.. it works well. I had an account for like a week. up to 1k friends. then I used the meet me module... but went out to smoke a cig. 1k meet me's later my account was banned. in other words dont ask me. lol.
They started filtering that 'Meet Me' module the last week of March.
Before that you could use it for thousands of meet me requests a day and accounts would sometimes last for many months.
However,when you use it now they will even kill a somewhat new account,if it looks fake (even with out any wall-links/urls/or email addy's posted).
They have some new auto filters on that module that work.
The best advice I could possibly give anyone on this subject is....
Make like 100+ accounts or so(using a different proxie for each account).
Use the accounts and add a couple to a few friends each day,also have good pictures so it looks real and have a complete profile.
After the accounts have aged a couple weeks,
have like 100 or so different domains/urls re-directing to your landing pages from your walls (they also ban urls/domains,so this is necessary).
A different url on each profile going to your landing pages is what I'm saying.
Then maybe send out a couple hundred Meet me requests from each account daily and add the new friends that the meet me module draws in.
What I have found is that Male accounts last longer then Female accounts do when doing this...
Also if you auto mate this method,I would advise having it click *NO once for every 5 yes's ,that way it seems more real.
If you decide to do this manually.
Use Opera 10.00 Build 1750 web-browser
By using this browser you can just hold down the enter key on the meet me app
and it will keep clicking yes,or just put something heavy on your enter key to hold it down.
Or you can just automate it with I-Macros using firefox or whatever you prefer.
Good luck to you guys.