Any good CB affiliate sales tracking scripts?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2008
Reaction score
CB allows you to add subids to your hoplinks but the main problem is that you can only have limited characters and if you have a longtail keyword with spaces it won't count. It would be cool if there was a script that assigned a number to unique incoming subid and redirected to appropriate subid. For example if you are sending traffic from "blue widgets" and "red widgets" your script would assign subid 1 to "blue widgets" and 2 to "red widgets" and redirect to your hoplink with that subid. If you get a sale from subid 1 you will know it's "blue widget". This is over-engineering however. Is there a simple way to track longtail ppc campaigns with CB?
Yes just the way that you said. You make a different ad for each keyword with the appropriate ID attached to the URL.
Make a script that will be recording the keywords and assigning them random numbers passing these numbers as subids, then redirect your traffic through that script and then track subids and find the matching keywords.
That would take a year for a large campaign with lots of keywords. I think I'll get my coder involved and make an automated script for this.


toptoptop, yep, that's the plan. I just thought such a solution existed already.