Any Black Hat or SEO tools for MAC?

Nope! Haha sorry but microniche finder and market samurai are the only worthwhile seo programs for mac wearing ANY type of hat
Just run the PC apps with a virtualization tool on your mac. There's a plethora of them: e.g wmware, vine, macindows, etc.
Posted via Mobile Device
Can you suggest? List?

I'm actively expanding my MAC-SEO-TOOLS specific site to pull all the Apple compatible SEO - SEM OSX software and resources I'm aware of into one place. I'm discovering there's alot more white-hat search marketing and optimization tools out there than I first thought.

There's a growing number of web-based submission sites that are platform neutral, which is where the future is headed anyways as standalone apps start to take the backseat to cloud computing. And like Market Samurai - I finally found an Article Submitter for Mac that runs on Adobe AIR. (Now we just need a Mac friendly Directory Submission app - are there any out there?)

Of note: Safari 5 and it's (overdue) support for EXTENSIONS is only beginning to bring some neat SEO/SEM buttons and toolbars to rival what's long been available for FireFox Mac, so I expect some great things on that front. Apple now has a dedicated featured Safari5 Extensions page worth keeping an eye on.

All in all, there's more Apple SEO and internet domination tools currently available than you might think. And with the Mac's rapidly expanding market-share - more to come. We may not need to resort to Windows virtualization options after all.
Think the above poster was refering to
Ive been using it for over a year and think is a great tool. The fact it works on a Mac is fantastic. I have a PC running next to my iMac and I hate having to use it. It's so god damn noisy.

@saintbernardul Does VMware work better than Parallels? I have version 4 of Parallels, but found it quite buggy. I hear version 5 is better, but im not sure whether to go for it or try VMware.
I like VMWare myself - it's just so much more straight-forward to install and use. Parallells is kinda convoluted and installs krap and so many files all over the place. Both are functional, but VMWare Fusion is just more _elegant_.