Another Quaestion On Marijuana


Regular Member
Aug 6, 2008
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Awhile back, I posed a question to the Blackhat world Community and the responses made the thread a great success for me.

That thread is found here.....

Now, I have another question for you guys......

A few states have legalized the use of medical marijuana. This included grow operation and sells as well.

However, placing aside the fact that a state had legalized it's use, it is still against Federal law, and users, sellers and growers face federal charges.

This has many fuming about the lack of state sovereignty.

So I ask...... what say you?
For me, Federal Law is more important than individual state law. Simple as that. I don't see how there can be a big argument for it. Do you want to be a part of your country? Then you have to obey your Countries laws. If you don't like following your Countries laws, have a vote to become an independent state like Quebec has done in Canada.
It is our way of "legalizing" something and still keeping it illegal at the same time. From what I have read the Feds will only step in when you are abusing the state law... or they say you are..
It is our way of "legalizing" something and still keeping it illegal at the same time. From what I have read the Feds will only step in when you are abusing the state law... or they say you are..

Well, it seems that the Feds have no problem stepping in and breaking up state laws at their own will. For example, Arizona tried to impose new laws in the handling of illegal immigration, and the Feds not only rifled in, but actually sued the state of Arizona to stop the law.

Also in Arizona, and more on the point of this thread, DEA agents have, on two occasions, raided a medical marijuana dispensary and the owners are looking at Federal prison time.

Now, how can a company, that is within their right to be in business per their state laws experience such a thing? And how can this happen on a selected few as opposed to all dispensaries?

Subjectively, the morality of such an event is repulsive, let alone the huge level of hypocrisy that exists within it.

For the record, I am not a user of marijuana, recreationally or medically and am not speaking from a biased soapbox on this specific subject. I do, however, find it reprehensible that states can hold their own constitutions, hold their own sovereignty as a state in the union, hold their own elections per their constitutions and yet can still fall victim to the strong arm of big brother.

I would like to use states independent gun laws. If one state has strict gun laws, but it's neighboring states gun laws are laxed, is it fair for the federal government to step in and tell all states that gun laws will be the same from one state to another. For example, in Arizona, there is no longer a required permit to carry a concealed weapon, but in it's neighboring state of New Mexico, a permit is still required. Is it fair for New Mexico's law enforcement agencies to deal with that? Or a better example being a man from Arizona travels to New York (were gun laws are OUTRAGEOUS) and there are no more restrictions for the Arizona traveler.

Truth be told is that this very example is unfolding right now.

So, back on point....... a state has a vote for the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes, the law is voted for and passed. Anyone within that state is under their legal rights, per that state, to grow, sell and use marijuana for it's intended purposes. Local law enforcement can do absolutely nothing to any individual as long as said individual is within the legal limits of the law. Yet, federal agents can step in and treat these law abiding citizens as criminals and place these people under arrest and confiscate their property under the RICO Act.

Is that fair? Or is it an infringement?
Is that fair? Or is it an infringement?

I just think its hilarious that people are goin crazy that the Federal government is trying to maintain control over Guns and Drugs and acting like they are out of line. GUNS AND DRUGS. I think its perfectly fair. If people understand the laws before hand, then they have nothing to worry about. Follow state law AND federal law. If you know something is against Federal law, and that the Federal Government agencies are actively policing these activities, why would you involve yourself in it?

Is it because I am Canadian that I don't understand why people need their Guns and Drugs so badly? Do individual states really consider themselves above federal law? Is this normal?

I will give this example:
My mom says I can't chew gum at school.
My teacher says it is acceptable to chew gum at school during Recess.
Should my mom be allowed to punish me for chewing gum at school? Hell yes.

You can't break Federal Laws and be upset when a Federal Agent arrests you. To me this is just madness.
you can just google 'federal law vs state law' to get an idea , basically the states have a right to make their own laws but then the feds can come after people for it and it just confuses people .Example, you can buy water pipes freely in many states but you can get in trouble if you take it on an air plane, or same sex marriage is allowed in some states and yet its still in debate always with the federal law
you can just google 'federal law vs state law' to get an idea , basically the states have a right to make their own laws but then the feds can come after people for it and it just confuses people .Example, you can buy water pipes freely in many states but you can get in trouble if you take it on an air plane, or same sex marriage is allowed in some states and yet its still in debate always with the federal law

Yes we understand this. That is what brings us to this thread. The OP would like to know if YOU feel that it is ok for the Feds to come bust you for breaking Federal Laws, when the State Law allows it.
For me generally speaking if you have two laws and they are opposing each-other then there's something wrong with the system. It should be clear and there should be no questions about this. If federal says NO then local can't say YES or the other way around.
Watch Weed Wars... These guys are idiots and begging to get put away for a very long time. They are still involved in the largest audit in the history of the industry. The show is funny, the guy gets stressed over a public speaking gig, so he makes a quick stop to grab some pot ginger cookies? I am sure he carries a card, but still...It shows how loose the laws are in CA and why major crack downs are in the near future. CO for instance the laws are tight. Your inventory needs to be tracked from seed, to plant to sale. Being a non-profit and grossing 21,000,000 a year and not having enough $$ to afford taxes is crazy. How much cash do you think the funnel out of there daily? The show is very amusing.
Im PISSED! Its not right! at all! READ THIS
-Marijauna is worth its weight in GOLD!
check these links!

I did not write this, got it from the net...

My 18 year old and I were talking again last night - as we do all too often. He saw in the news that a Vermont judge gave a child molester 60 days in jail. This is just ONE case - there are so very many other cases where child molesters get no time at all. I have even seen some get nothing or just a few days in jail

Molesting a child is, in my oppinion, one of the worst things you can do. The child is pretty much ruined for life. They usially have sexual issues and distorted views of the opposite sex

Smoking pot - it affects only yourself, considered even good for you by some studies, is not voilent - and many are getting 10 years and more in prison.

Am I missing something here? Is there some way that the above can mean proper justice?
Maybe we should be asking why conflicting laws are allowed in the first place.

With the gum chewing analogy posted earlier, the conflict makes sense because the "law makers" are two separate entities. Your household is not part of your school, and your school is not part of your household. It's okay for one to allow something while the other doesn't because they have no affiliation.

However, a state allowing something that the fed does not is akin to your mom saying gum chewing is not allowed in your house, but your big brother says it's okay for you to chew gum in his room because mom won't find out.
As on owner of a clinic in Phoenix, AZ I may be able to educate a little on this subject. In regards to the legallity of Federal Vs. State on the medical marijuana issue, the Feds always trump the state and if you decide to dabble in the industry you must prepare yourself for possible legal problems. The reason that "Weed Wars" and such are on TV and despensaries are open, is simple. The Feds only are interested in the weed industry when the following laws are broken. If there is interstate trafficing going on, there is major money being made, there is money laundering, or when there is co-mingling of weed funds in other businesses. If you own and opperate a state legal despensary and arent being loud, you pay your state and federal taxes, and you have a modest salary then you are left alone. If you really research the places being raided, it is because they are selling to non-approved patients, selling pills, not paying taxes, etc. etc. etc.
Why the "weed wars" guy will never get busted, is because he gives most of his money away. He pays himself a million or so a year, and the rest is given to charity, the IRS, the state taxes, and the community. If you make 10 million a year and you give 90% away for the better of everyone, then there is absolutely no way your would get busted. Which brings me to the main reason why the Feds dont like to mess with this.
If the "weed wars" guy gets busted, and he is facing a jury of his peers... When he says, I paid all state taxes, I used a POS system to maintain proper accounting, my business in NON-Profit and my salary is accurate based on any other administraotor with that gross annual revenue, I paid all quarterly IRS taxes, I spent any remaining funds on the community by building projects, community centers, charities, etc. Now he only needs one juror to believe that he was doing everything possible to remain within the law and guidelines to be innocent. That is very probable. Now here is the kicker, if he is founf not guilty, imagine what would happen EVERYWHERE in the country. They would spring up on every block using that case. That my friends is why only certain places are busted, and why the Feds write letters, etc. It is their way of policing the industry and keeping it from getting out of control. When someone does get busted that is worth a few bucks and decides to go the distance, that is the case to watch. Dont think they dont know who and who not to bust in this industry. There is not an U.S. Attorney who wants to lose the court case that lets everyone and their mom open marijuana despensaries!
If it is legal in your state, Start using it.

any doubt of feds, give a skip ;)