An Ad for Each Keyword? My Google Quality Score Sucks!!!!


May 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all. I am trying to get my adwords quality scores up. I was considering this tactic, want your thoughts.

I plan on using a different ad for each adword keyword. This way I can put the keyword in each ad.

Will this work to boost my quality score? I keep hearing the ad needs the keyword in them for a better score.

Giving thanks and rep for good feedback.
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This is exactly the strategy you need to follow. You don't need to only have one keyword for your adgroups however all words should be related (same theme).

For instance if you were selling toys for animals you may have toys for cats and toys for dogs. You would segment the dogs and cats keywords into different adgroups with their own ads.

So in the cats keyword group you would have

Cat toys
Buy cat toys
Cheap cat toys
Cat toy

Ad copy might be

Cheap Cat Toys
Browse and Buy cat Toys at
Reasonable prices. Call Today!

And your dogs keyword group would have

Dog toys
Buy dog toys
Cheap dog toys
Dog toy

Buy Dog Toys
We have Tons of Cheap Dog
Toys. Visit us Today!

Notice that keywords are heavily represented in adgroups. Note that your landing page should have your relevant keyword terms front and center when the user lands there.

Here is also a good post on improving quality scores,

Hope that helps,

Thanks Shawn. Tried to give you some rep but they said I gave u too much already:)
You might consider dumping your adwords account and get a new one if you continually get bad quality score. Google punished accounts that continually have bad score, you must bid higher for the same keywords to get impressions.

Your ads must be in sync with your keywords per ad group. Landing page must in sync with keywords too. You can pass the keyword to your landing page and embed it on the header or body. Less than 10 keywords per adgroup, bigger than that might be a bit difficult to keep them in the same theme/ad group. Create at least two adgroups and two ads per adgroup.

There are a few adwords software that can help you such as speedppc. Dont buy until you have a good grasp running a good profitable ppc campaign.
Do some research as well before you type out a description of the Ad Copy. Once you find long tailed quality keywords (you can go look in the BSTS section for several BSTS concerning keyword research on a giving niche), you will need solid eye candy ad copy. It doesn't just matter about your quality score, if the ad copy is super horrible then you won't get much else than impressions...
Along with the points mentioned above, you need to try and get a higher CTR. I have regular contact with a guy at Google he said one of the most important factors is a high CTR, if you achieve this google deems it more relevant therefore boosts your quality score.
Could you not use dynamic insertion as well to keep ads relevant within adgroups?