AMR+uberblogcreator OR Licorn AIO beta


Registered Member
Dec 3, 2011
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Hi guys,

I'm looking for one-time payment tools that will handle article submission and web 2.0 creation.

So, here's the question...Should I go with AMR + uberblogcreator...with discounts that are out there I think this would be about $125


Get in on the Licorne AIO beta sale for $100

I have not seen too much info on the licorne beta, but what I have seen makes it sound like it will do what AMR+uberblogcreator can do plus more...but most of that is from their own sales page, so who knows what to believe.

Appreciate any input.
Well, I downloaded the 3-day trial of Licorne AIO. It is still pretty squarely in the beta stage. It crashed twice on me in a few hours of using it. Also the manual captcha option at least for article directory registration/submission does not seem to work right.

Major downsides I see right off the bat are that you cannot easily create different user names at each article like you can with AMR now. I could split the directory list and only register 10-20 at a time with the same user name, but that's kind of a pain. There also doesn't seem to be a drip feed schedule for the submissions. The best you could do as far as I could tell would be to run it all in one thread, but still...that can't be that much of a "drip".

I do like the built-in scrapers and keyword/link analyzer tools. I didn't mess much with the blog commenter or web2.0 creation yet.

I haven't used AMR yet, but it does seem that by tailoring to article submission (and by being around so much longer) that it has quite a few features that put it above Licorne for article submission.

Anyone else have any input?
Well, I have both AMR and UberBlogCreator and have tried out the 3 day trial of Licorne.

AMR is a must if you are doing article marketing.

For UberBlogCreator, just purchased it yesterday and it is fast in creating blogs on the few supported platforms. Don't really have time to play with it yet but it looks good.

For Licorne, has played with it for a few days, no crashing on me. I love the look of the user interface. Has some good features such as article scraper, facts finder. I love the facts finder as it helps to bring in relevant info for you to rewrite your articles. However, the article spinner is not as good as compare to other article software such as MAR, TBS and SpinChimp.

Tried a number of the modules, many of them are useful although not all all working well at the moment. Some like the article submitter and web 2.0 submitter, accounts signing up and submission rates are quite low at the moment.

With future updates, I'm sure this is going to be an awesome AIO software.

However, I'm still on the fence whether to buy it or not.

Try downloading the trial for a spin and see whether you like it.

It will be good if they can extend the trial period for the software.
licorne can be found nulled and fully functional. Try before you buy
thanks jb, that was my basic take as well after messing around with Licorne. I need to download the trial of AMR and check it out for comparison. There is so much overlap between the tools that I don't know if I could really justify having both. I think you're right, given time, Licorne could become an all in one tool of choice. Of course, by that time it might be twice as expensive (if you believe their sales page).