Amazon Price Refresher And Autobuy BOT


Oct 21, 2016
Reaction score
Hello guys, i am looking for someone, must be experienced with autobuy bots and have experience doing it with amazon, to create a bot that does the following: constantly checking prices in 10/15 seconds for about 50/100 products in my list, when a product reaches an X price defined by me the bot instantly and automatically buys the item.

Requisites: I need the price refresh to be highly effective and be able to detect price changes as quickly as possible and need the autobuy function to also be very fast because the products are bought in a matter of seconds so if it doesn't detect prices or is able to buy the item almost instantly it's totally useless.

I only make payments via paypal as a matter of security, and before i hire someone i need to know that they are really capable of doing the job properly.
...i am looking for...a bot that does the following: constantly checking prices in 10/15 seconds for about 50/100 products in my list, when a product reaches an X price defined by me the bot instantly and automatically buys the item...

I need the exact same autobuy tool as outlined by the OP. Offers would be very welcome.
do you have example of products? When I code bots i need examples to test to make sure it is doing the right thing.
I can do that for you, builded different autobuyers in different niches =) write me pm with ur skype and lets have a talk