I've been using very BH methods with Amazon for a while, and had a bunch of accounts.
In the past I lost one account to dubious circumstances (just woke up one morning and couldn't login, couldn't retrieve password - it had simply vanished).
This morning, I got a message from someone in their team with a "you aren't following the spirit of the program, this and any other accounts are now closed without warning" message. They closed all accounts that had been accessed with the same IP as the one that they sent the message to. I can still log in, but there is a message saying that the data is "for historical purposes only, and will not generate referrals".
Unfortunate, but not the biggest deal, as I only lost about $15k in earnings.
I wanted to check and see if anyone else was having similar problems. I'm concerned that they may have stepped up their automated detection methods for the things I'm doing.
In the past I lost one account to dubious circumstances (just woke up one morning and couldn't login, couldn't retrieve password - it had simply vanished).
This morning, I got a message from someone in their team with a "you aren't following the spirit of the program, this and any other accounts are now closed without warning" message. They closed all accounts that had been accessed with the same IP as the one that they sent the message to. I can still log in, but there is a message saying that the data is "for historical purposes only, and will not generate referrals".
Unfortunate, but not the biggest deal, as I only lost about $15k in earnings.
I wanted to check and see if anyone else was having similar problems. I'm concerned that they may have stepped up their automated detection methods for the things I'm doing.