Amazon Associates Program Question


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Does the program require written content for a site to be accepted? I have a way of driving highly targetted traffic from USA and I want to set up an amazon associates site that looks like a store and a "Read More" button under each item. My main objective is for the vistors to get my cookie and hopefully make some purchases within the 24 hour window. Basically, I want it to look like a shopify site.

Is this allowed? I've looked around but I couldn't find a clear answer about this.
Besides the fact that you must insert a disclaimer ( As an Amazon bla bla ), your visitors must know that the button will redirect them to Amazon. So, it's risky to use this kind of "Read more" button. You can use something like "Check price & reviews ". But, again: Your visitors must know that they will be redirected to an Amazon page.

Besides the fact that you must insert a disclaimer ( As an Amazon bla bla ), your visitors must know that the button will redirect them to Amazon. So, it's risky to use this kind of "Read more" button. You can use something like "Check price & reviews ". But, again: Your visitors must know that they will be redirected to an Amazon page.


That's not a problem for me. Check Price is even better. I'll add the disclaimair at the bottom of my site or on a separate page. But is a store like layout all good for the amazon associates program or could they reject me? I've seen that they even accept twitter accounts so it shoudn't be a problem right?
Once your visitors know that they will be redirected to Amazon ( this is the main obligation of your site, to make them know that ) and you will make a comission if they buy something from there ( and they accept it ), I don't see ( but this is my opinion ) any problem. 100% important is the disclaimer.
Do you use pretty links on amazon links? Is this allowed by amazon?