ALWAYS make sure to use proxies : experience with blackboxrdp


Junior Member
May 4, 2010
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Here is my story :

- I sign for blackbox vps package on blackboxrdp. com
- Got my VPS setup on Dec 9
- I use for SB blast (3 SB)
- I allow my friend to access the VPS. My friend running new SB on the server (4 SB running)
- The problem is , my friend don't check the USE PROXIES option. It takes 15 minutes till I see and stop the blast.
- The day after I can't access my VPS
- I send support ticket and blackboxrdp tells that they Got complaint from SPAMHAUS, they removed me and this is their answer :

"We see your server was delivered on December 9th and due to SpamHaus complaints, this costs our network money and time dealing with which is why we have a strict no refund policy on SpamHaus complaints or else everyone would just abuse the servers for the first few days and then want their money back"


Well this is my experience , and I learn my lesson :
1. ALWAYS make sure to use PROXIES
2. VPS provider tells that it's ok to run blackhat tools, but the fact is it's not "really ok"

It's almost Christmas and I'm not mad to blackboxrdp , they give me valuable lesson. Now I share my lesson to this community :)

Now I need another VPS , and this time I will ALWAYS double check the proxies options when me or my friend using SB. Can someone give suggestions about vps for SB? my budget is about $50 per month.

Another question :
- is it OK to run 4 SB on 1 VPS?
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Checkout Hostamus. They allow black hat tools. They even have their own plan with tools built in lol.
Sorry for what happened to ya. Use SB to harvest some proxies and use those before running ;)
@longbanana :
thanks, I check hostamus. They got $70 plan. Can I use multiple SB blast?
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@longbanana :
thanks, I check hostamus. They got $70 plan. Can I use multiple SB blast?
I'm not completely sure, but you might be able to. I would contact their support for more info. If you want add me on Skype and I can get you in contact with the owner.
Add me on skype, I may be able to help you.
I will try my best to convince them to give your Server Back.

Also you get free 60 Private proxies, why didnt you use them.
I'm not completely sure, but you might be able to. I would contact their support for more info. If you want add me on Skype and I can get you in contact with the owner.

Ok then, I will try to contact after I try my last effort to get the vps :)

Add me on skype, I may be able to help you.
I will try my best to convince them to give your Server Back.

Also you get free 60 Private proxies, why didnt you use them.

WOW , that's great if You can help me convince them to give back the vps. I will add You on skype. The problem is my friend forget to check the "use proxies" options :(
Something similar happened to me - I got the package with 4 cpu - i run 3 SB instances WITH PROXIES (public proxies) and it's not even a day and I got 6 complaints already. I guess some of the public proxies leak IP - even though you've scanned it with scrapebox IP test.

Now i'm in a dilemma - i got 56 private squid proxies, but i run 3SB instances at 500 connection each, which is 1,500 connections - I think the 56 private proxies will get blacklisted very fast?

Blackboxrdp isn't really that blackhat friendly anyways...
Shitty customer service. While I understand where they comming from, we're all humans and mistakes can happen and can never be completely excluded.
Had the same problem a few days ago with my VPS provider. My private proxies were dead, I didn't realized it and blasted a 100k aa list. Complaints came in, they contacted me asking what's up, I told them it was a mistake and apologized. They moved me to another IP and everything was good again.
@longbanana :
thanks, I check hostamus. They got $70 plan. Can I use multiple SB blast?

In the most cases it's just pointless to run multiple SB instances on one VPS, if the os isn't tuned properly.

For example the default limit in winXP is 10 incomplete concurrent connections per second, for Vista and win7 the default limit differs, raging from 2 half-open(Home edition) to 25 in Ultimate.
The point is that when you reach your os's limit for connections per second, the tcp requests which are coming over the limit will just be dropped.