Adwords Help


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Friends,

I'm new to IM... I have created a campaign in google adwords. but don't know how to use it...

like how much average bid will be good.
what kind of keywords i should use for ads (I mean I'm setting campaign for printer support and slow pc speed and all issues related to pc).

my budget is just 2000 I.N.R/ day.

please help..

I started adwords with no experience. I just read how-to's and watched youtube videos. Also, G has a huge community and pool of resources for you to learn from. Don't forget that they have a phone number you can call with your questions. Possibly, a adwords expert from google will give you an initial phone call to try and help set up a campaign for you.

^^ Will give you a good idea on which keywords to capitalize on.
Here are a few tips, im not an expert total newbie. just started to look into this.

Here are some tips ive come across.

Use long tail keywords, Use scrapebox to gather topic related keywords, check how many ads are out there running your same ad, check how much traffic try to start a min of 5k traffic, make sure ur ad copy is amazing and beats ur comp. Check if there is even a market first off. see what the avg cpc is. If ur looking for some software let me know here and ill post here some cool ones.
Here are a few tips, im not an expert total newbie. just started to look into this.

Here are some tips ive come across.

Use long tail keywords, Use scrapebox to gather topic related keywords, check how many ads are out there running your same ad, check how much traffic try to start a min of 5k traffic, make sure ur ad copy is amazing and beats ur comp. Check if there is even a market first off. see what the avg cpc is. If ur looking for some software let me know here and ill post here some cool ones.

Sure... As you said. i should check what is going on in market. how to check avg cpc? and how to check what my competitors are paying for?
Few ways there are some seo keyword tools that tell you there is a website i think its called spyfu or spyfoo

Other members have given some great advice. When constructing your Adwords campaigns, adgroups and keyword lists; be sure to make them highly targeted. By that I mean only make adgroups with associated keywords that are related to each other. Try and remember that the keywords you have associated with an adgroup will trigger those ads when used by searchers. If ads don't have anything to do with keywords, no one will click and the campaign will start performing poorly. So be sure to include keywords in ad copy and don't forget to optimize your landing pages to help complete the conversion funnel. Don't forget that you landing page should have your keywords on it and this is a very crucial part of the whole thing.

Some good resources covering Adwords are by Perry Marshall The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords and the Google resource center where they have video tutorials covering best practices.

You can find more book titles here,

Here is a link to the learning center,

I hope these resources help and good luck!
