advice on monetizing site with heavy niche traffic


Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Hi guys, new here, but longtime web developer/marketing.

On a whim, about two months ago I started a political/conspiracy website & connected Facebook groups. Without getting any more specific, it's a niche site and has taken off way beyond what I expected, and growing daily.

avg 17,000 hits/month
98.01% American traffic
83.9% of visitors are ages 45-older
around 1:10 average time spent on site per visit
around 6,000 audience on social

I currently have Adsense implemented. I'm making an average of $4-6 a day from it (not evenly, it goes from $3 one day to $9 another day, not sure why).

I've started building an email list by harvesting comment emails & an opt-in, no strategy in mind but I figured I better set up the system while I figure it out. However I am not really sure the best way to go from here.

I spend maybe 15-30 minutes a day writing content, putting a few links out there, moderating comments, building the list.

I've thought about just selling the site, but don't even know where to arrive at a valuation. I'd also be open to keeping the site if it's able to be further monetized.

Any ideas?
Two months is a really young website. Keep it for longer then sell it.

If we let's pretend revenue stays consistent over 6 months at $5 a day or $150 a month.

Your site would be worth around $3,000.

However we need to factor in outsourcing article creation because even your time is a cost. On the cheap side is $5 an article. I'm guessing you only post 2-3 articles a week so let's say $60. Plus your hosting fees of around $5.

Monthly profit $150
Costs $65

Net revenue $85

Now your site is worth around $1,800

But a lot of people don't price out article creation under expenses so I wouldn't either.

That's a rough estimate of your websites worth if it was a few month older but there are a lot of factors that I can't include or account for.

Hope it helps.
Hello Have you try using video networks? CPM are the highest of the market (much better than adsense), Let talk maybe i can help you.
I would assume that with this niche your audience has a very specific target demographic and certain cpa offers would probably do really well. Try to get see their demo info and play around a bit.