Advanced Search Not Working


Regular Member
Jan 19, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone else having trouble with the advanced search not

Any ideas on what would cause this, I thought it was my
anti virus but it's not.
Works perfectly fine for me. What is the error or problem you're having when you try to use advanced search? I typed in a few phrases and they all came up with results.
The search button that runs across the top of the page doesn't work for me either but if you go to the home page, the advanced search button in the left hand column works...try that.
I can get to it by using the search on the left & then in the results
when I click on search way up on the top it opens up the advanced
search feature.
Yep, that's what the forum is supposed to do. What is the problem you're having? Do you mean you're trying to search within those results or something? Because I don't think we have a search-within-a-search feature...haven't ever heard of it nor seen it.
I used to be able to click on search & a box would drop down
to use the advanced search feature it's not doing it anymore.
You have to click the search button at the top of the forum. It's working perfectly for me. If it still doesn't work, at least you found the alternative :).