adsense niche sites not worth it?


Junior Member
Sep 14, 2011
Reaction score
I'm starting to see how difficult it is to rank #1 on any niche, whether its big or small.

With that said, even if ranked 1, adsense gives such puny earnings.

Let's take a modest 4,400 exact monthly search keyword.

#1 gets about 40 to 50% of the traffic... and of that traffic, maybe 5% of them convert (click on ads). Most CPC on adsense, even when it says a few dollars per click, really just give you .25 or .50 per click.

So if you manage, through a lot of money and time, to rank #1 for a 4,400 exact search kw and you get .50 per click...

That's 4,400 x 50% x 5% x .50 = $55 PER MONTH! That's fucking pathetic, especially factoring the work and money it takes to get #1. And that's if you're lucky enough to get to #1.
thats true.. What about having 20 pages getting 2k visitors per month? 55x20= 1100$

Build pages, some longtail keyword will bring instant traffic just because competition is deadly easy.

SEO takes time, you wont rank #1 overnight. those type of website are longterm project.
The key to micro niche sites is quantity and patience. Of course $55/month isn't much, but if you buy even 10 and rank them, that's $550/month. (or you could find a keyword with a large number of searches and rank that, there's a service somewhere around here that offers keywords upwards of 25k searches, if I find it I'll put the link here)

And patience is a huge part of it. You'll probably spend $30-$75 on a micro niche site just to pull it to #1-3 for a very low competition keyword. It'll take an entire 1-2 months to make that back, but seriously, everything after that is profit. That's months of profit that you wouldn't otherwise be making.

It may seem like it's not worth it for now, but it definitely is in the long run.
I didnt start this, but thanks for the responses sort of in the same boat as the OP.
Choose your keywords right and use the right designs. That can drive your CTR up to 10%, 20% and even more....and with the right keywords and traffic from the right countries that $1.00 can be had. Now you're talking about montly income of $200 to $400. That doesn't include all of the secondary pages that you should be ranking as well. All those secondary ranks help keep you in that number 1 position.
You're just looking at one page. The key is to rank several pages, for several keywords.

One of my micro niche sites is currently pulling in $140 per month. Main keyword gets only 1400 searches a month..but I'm getting a lot of traffic from longtails.
Hang in there man.

It is worth it. It does take time and once you get ranked you can always add more pages that rank for different related keywords and make more. The related terms should be easier to rank for.

Also, once your site is ranked and making money you have built an asset.

You could roughly say your site is worth 6 to 10 times what it makes a month at flippa.

I know a friend having an EMD #1 on google for 880 exact local searches and pulls in about 300-400$ / month. Of course he ranks for all the other longer tail keywords...

It can be done.
AdSense is one of the most inexpensive, scalable, long-term, set-n-forget IM monetization strategies EVER if done right. How could anybody see this as NOT worthy remains a humongous mystery to me.

It's like stating that having a recurring paycheck on autopilot is not worth the effort because it's the sum of many small payments. To me this seems like one of the best deals ever, actually...
It's not because there are 4.400 exact monthly search that you'll have these 4.400 clicks/visits...
In my opinion, this calcul is bad.

With MNS you have to go for quantity not quality, then you can actually make a living out of it.

Every month build 20 sites which generate 55$ a month and within few months you have a decent earning.

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Don't give up mate.
I started with just one site few months ago and after some hard work, I'm now launching the 7th.
The first site launched is covering the costs of the other six sites at the moment.
I'm ranked fifth on G with a EMD on a 3 word combo keywords with 40K global monthly searched.
The other sites, though they are EMD, are still in 4th/6th pages and I'm waiting to see them on the first page.

Be patience and you'll get some result.
over the long haul, it does pay off. However, its not as easy as saying "do it once then scale it to 20 per month"

Anyone who has tried this will find out that scaling gets exponentially harder the more sites you have.

For each site you need a few target keywords and many off target but related keywords you build for.

Lets say the average site will use 4 target keywords and 10 related longer tail keywords.

if you build 20 sites, you now have 20*14 keywords to do seo work on, or 280 keywords.

Try finding enough content for 280 keywords - its very very difficult. You can only build so many links with SEnuke, submit so many articles with AMR or other tools, post to so many forums etc. You can purchase content, but that starts to get expensive. This does not even take into account keywords that were researched as good traffic actually being too difficult or not bringing in the desired results even when ranked - so you have to get more.

Without getting into massive outsourcing (which has substantial cost), it is hard to work on any more than perhaps 5 to 6 sites at any one time. This does not even count the regular link work that has to be done to maintain rankings.

I went down this path and tried to work on around 40 sites, doing 1 every 2-3 days. The problem is the seo work to get a site ranked the right way (that will stick for a long time) for 10-15 keywords takes 1-2 months or more. So the backlog of work keeps building up to the point where its almost impossible to keep up.

The only way I have found that works is to literally not take on more than 3-4 sites at any one time - when they are completely done, I add more.

I am sure there are others on this site that are more prolific, or are better at multi tasking than I am. I am just sharing this to try to dispel the fantasy that its as easy as 1 site every few days and in 6 months you are golden.
With MNS you have to go for quantity not quality, then you can actually make a living out of it.

Every month build 20 sites which generate 55$ a month and within few months you have a decent earning.


I hate to rain on this parade but where I'm from, $1100 is hardly what I'd call "decent" earnings. The time, effort and expense to set up and (more importantly, maintain) 20 websites wouldn't even be worth it.
Research your keywords wisely. You can always try to do better than now. You can test the adsense formats to see which one works best. Adsense encourages this, but most publishers don't care about it. If you want a quick and good way to get more clicks, get CTR theme - this assuming your ctr is low right now. Adsense niche sites are very well worth the effort and they don't always generate $xx only per month, rather they can generate $xx per day if enough effort is put into them.
Most people here say you can make a living from it. But the question is: is adsense the best monetization method?

Or are there methods with higher revenue/visitor?

I think you can make more money/visitor with clickbank or cpa...
Who would be crazy enough to build a business around an ad service that can yank the plug at any time without any prior notice?

Personally, I hate the idea of not having control over my income.

Adsense is a good complimentary source of income, but building adsense only websites is a dead end road.