Adsense Conversion Rates Wordpress Blog Vs. Tumblr and Risk.


Registered Member
Oct 12, 2012
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Hi All,

Before I ask my questions you should know that I am 99% white hat. I simply blog on my Tumblr, and create traffic within the Architecture/Design Niche, linking to the source etc. Everything is done manually. I receive around 1000-1300 unique users to the site per day, and they average around 4.5 pageviews. Traffic comes primarily from Tumblr and Pinterest. I don't have any comparables, but in my own modest opinion I think I am doing fairly well in terms of blogging. I have got a PageRank of 5, and an engaged community which really can't be copied. However... I have got Adsense on my blog. One leaderboard, (728*90), at the top representing 50% of Adsense income, and then have two ads on the right sidebar, (300*250), representing the other 50%. In the month of January, I average around 9.5 USD a day at 6300 Pageviews, giving a Page CTR of 0.31 and CPC is 50 cents per click for the month of January, which seems low to me. So my questions are as follows:

1. How does this compare generally across the board? (And if anyone has a similar Architecture/Design blog, how does that compare to them?)
2. I have got a great brand name, (URL's .com and owned by someone else), but don't intend to use it as a blog only. I am working on a website offering a service where I blog the same type of stuff, and the blog will be part of this little business. The blog of this site would be in wordpress, and then the post will be shared on my Tumblr. Moving to Wordpress will allow me to generate a lot more traffic through the SERPS, (Tumblr is terrible for that as Google views it as a social platform), but will it also mean I can expect higher CPC?
3. I am a bit concerned about taking the blog to my new website, as I am using/writing about other peoples photos/designs. They are meant for educational/inspiration purposes only, but A. It becomes part of a business blog, and they could therefore argue that I am making money on the photos, and B. Initially perhaps I'd put Adsense on the same pages as the photos, and hence they could argue I make money on them that way. the question is, should I be concerned?
4. This is not related to the above at all. There are a lot of people selling emails on BHW, but I need a few personal recommendations. I need email addresses that looks real, ie. [email protected], and not [email protected]. Does anyone know of any suppliers wo offers this? ( I need around 100-500.)

Sorry for the long winded post. None the less, I'd be grateful if you could help.

I find more people are happy to boast about how great they are or sell you their new bot/scrip/seo on here than actually help.

Most methods a 5 year old could think of or are totally out of date.

You do find the odd bit of useful info however, but dont expect loads of replied in my brief experience.
A similar question popped into my mind a few days ago. So what happens if I use other people's images on my money site?
I would have thought that all the people with good reps had some experience in this, so it appears you are right, Terry. Funny how people posted like crazy when I had a free giveaway on Tumblr accounts with PR1 and 2, and when it is question time, nobody can be bothered to give any advise. Oh well, back to trial and error...
You could always ask permission to use the pictures, or you could recreate them on your own
Hey bud,

I dont have much advise to give as i am very much a newbie however, i have my own tumblr blog on a niche which i chose im getting on a weekday anywhere between 30-70 views and sunday over 150.
I recently changed my theme to one that i found on this site which had adverts on both left and right hand side of the page which did not move by using a bit of code, i thought that the theme was to standard and boring so went back to my old theme however as im no coder i decided to use the code on my blog editing certain pieces so its correct for my layout.
I changed to the boring theme on the 20th of jan and currently had a total of 3 clicks to date. Not much but i cheered after trying since christmas to get it!
I think my CTR is around 1%.

This may be of no use to you at all however i hope others will find it useful if you want the code let me know, the guy i got it from is called lordsenf he has a couple threads on tumblr. My thought is this can possible be converted to your main blog.

Good luck and all the best
Thanks Essesser. Input much appreciated, but of course there are a few questions unanswered... (Not your fault, mind you.)
Just throwin' it out there for ya.. Any concern on copyright for the blog name and photos? Adsense on Tumblr might be borderline against their TOS. I know Tumblr is crackin down on advertising also.
Hey mate. To me those stats sound about right as they are in line with my blogs stats (except I have way less traffic D: ).

I think you should:

-Focus on increasing your traffic by recruiting more followers

-Tweak your page layout and see which style gets you the best stats (don't rely on your own taste, look at your stats, some of the "uglier" layouts may actually work better)

-Try to automate as much as possible so that even if you keep making the same amount of money you are spending less time which is just as important a resource (after all you are worth a certain amount on the market per hour).

Let us know how it goes!
Hey mate. To me those stats sound about right as they are in line with my blogs stats (except I have way less traffic D: ).

I think you should:

-Focus on increasing your traffic by recruiting more followers

-Tweak your page layout and see which style gets you the best stats (don't rely on your own taste, look at your stats, some of the "uglier" layouts may actually work better)

-Try to automate as much as possible so that even if you keep making the same amount of money you are spending less time which is just as important a resource (after all you are worth a certain amount on the market per hour).

Let us know how it goes!

Using someone else's photos/artwork is definitely potential lawyer fodder; however, you can use someone else's images in the U.S.A. if it falls under the fair use doctrine. You may need to restrict the use to countries that have similar doctrines. I recommend you review fair use laws for where you are, where your server exists physically, where your domain is registered, and any countries your work is accessible from. Make printed or electronic copies of the laws you are following to help cya if anything comes up from it.

While fair use can be a bit tricky, it is used legally all the time with no issue.

Here are some things as a webmaster and artist i would look for in fair use. Just some things to think about. A lawyer may have different criteria.

Are all these things true?
You are not claiming the images as your own.
You are giving full credit of the images to the artist
You are not making a derivative work
Your work is not in competition with the artist's work
You are contributing more than 95 % of the original content where you are using the artist's work
You are using less than 1% of the artist's work as a whole. For instance, is it one image from a gallery of thousands, or are you using seven of nine total images?

You can use gmail for an unlimited amount of addresses going to one account. If you have jaws1 at gmail, you can use the plus sign and anything after it as an email address. So jaws1+bhw at gmail would send to the same account. You can then setup filters and labels if needed to find the mail for managing different addresses.
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We are all running a risk, even we do look at the criteria you are putting up. (There are plenty of posts about it on the net from bloggers who has removed all materials from their sites.)

As for emails, I am fully aware that I can set up those emails, but I have an inkling that the various platforms will look badly on someone running say 1000 FB accounts with jaws1, jaws2 etc. Hence the question for me is rather if anyone knows of anyone who can set up some decent email accounts, as personally I can not be bothered to do it manually. If anyone knows a supplier of such a service, please let me know? (I am tempted to go on Fiverr with this, but would rather have a personal recommendation.)
About photos - I believe than if you put the source of material below the photo, with occasional backlink to website where original photo came from - nobody would have problem with your post. Even better - you can send email to the photo owner and ask for permission, telling that his photo will be featured on your blog and that he will get backlink from pr 5. Show me that person who will refuse non-spammy backlink from pr 5
A similar question popped into my mind a few days ago. So what happens if I use other people's images on my money site?

Nothing at all I guess, pictures are not compared copied content as I know.

First of all, thank you for taking the time to reply in honest:

As per your previous post:

-Focus on increasing your traffic by recruiting more followers:

Jaws: Followers is honestly not a problem: I have got around 26K, (answers your question), and get around 100-250 new a day.

-Tweak your page layout and see which style gets you the best stats (don't rely on your own taste, look at your stats, some of the "uglier" layouts may actually work better)

Jaws: Yup, this is where the problem lies. I have a bespoke theme, and although it can be changed, I am not prepared to change it unless it is undeniably better. I have a few other Tumblrs which has 1100-1500 followers, and I'd like to do some split testing on those. However, I don't have any programming knowledge at all, (nor time to learn it), so really, I need someone to let me have a theme that they believe works optimally. (I have a few goodies, I can offer in return.)

-Try to automate as much as possible so that even if you keep making the same amount of money you are spending less time which is just as important a resource (after all you are worth a certain amount on the market per hour).

Jaws: Great advise, but unfortunately, you can't really automate much with the 25K type of blog I have. I have to follow the trends and see what is new to keep it up. I only get through 6-8 posts a day for the same reason, so they have to be good. (Also, I have a full time job, and this is just a side project really.)

So, two questions remain:
1. Anyone know of a good email supplier as per above?
2. Anyone have a good Tumblr theme with 1% CTR, which I can test?

I'd be eternally grateful, and I am sure I can find ways of re-paying whoever helps me. :)

Thanks you.

i'll try to add adsense soon hope to make some good money ;) i'll let you know if i find something!
Yowza! That's a lot of followers. Nice. I dig that you're following the quality content rule.
It sounds like you have everything set up except the layout. Have a play around with your the html code in your theme, it's actually quite easy to squeeze ads into tumblr themes without any coding knowledge (trial and error plus google), try different placements (top bottom, side etc). Although you sound quite busy so getting the help off a profesional might be the way to go for you. I'd say the cash you spend on a pro will recoup itself pretty easily given your follow/traffic base. Good luck!