AdSense Alternative?

Dec 5, 2015
Reaction score
I am looking for a company similiar to AdSense. I can't seem to get accepted to AdSense :/, they say that I need to have many articles posted and stuff like that. Well, I have my eyes on many methods here that involves pictures and adsense ads.
So what I need is:
-A trusted website.
-Probably high paying
-Low minimum payments
-Accepts PayPal payments
-Pays fast
-Doesn't need a website to get accepted
-Accepts fast.
If you have one then please tell me :) Thanks!
infolinks, but i think you need a website. But they accept almost everybody. If i recall correctly, they don't ask to verify your website, so i think you can give a random website.
Your best bet are CPA offers.

Infolinks is reliable, but dont play close as much as Adsense. I didnt try it, but you may check Viglink, their concept is interesting.
Is it trusted? Have you used it before?
Yes, have received a few thousand from them.

Yes, they don't pay as much as adsense, but they are FAR FAR more permissive (i only used warez and copyright websites with them). They have a wordpress plugin, very easy to integrate. And i reached rates up to 20$ CPM for US and 40$ for DE.

OP hit me with a pm if you would like an affiliate link.
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Try with Revenuehits CPA ad network , i think its the best adsense alternative for publishers.
"Without a website?" "Pays Fast"

You're trying to find a network that doesn't exist. You will need 95% of the time a website with articles and some traffic and 99% of the time, they will pay more than a few days over a month late. Any Network.
Sounds like you are search for a unicorn. There are no PPC sites which pay less than net30. Also all good sites have even more strict requirements like high quality content and traffic as wel as massive monthly traffic. Another problem is none pay same as Adsense.\

There are several you could try Chitika, propellerads, adversal,, revenuehits, infolinks etc.
Etc best alternatives for you.Adsences sucks for me too.hate google products.
Info links asked me for a VAT number in order to be paid :/
infolinks, but i think you need a website. But they accept almost everybody. If i recall correctly, they don't ask to verify your website, so i think you can give a random website.
No, they don't accept everyone they also need verfication
I am also looking for some relevant adsense alternative for my blog.
"Without a website?" "Pays Fast"

You're trying to find a network that doesn't exist. You will need 95% of the time a website with articles and some traffic and 99% of the time, they will pay more than a few days over a month late. Any Network.

Yeah, such network requirements seem to be too fabulous to find proper variant. But some of the mentioned above offers are worth studying.
Hi Sir there is people that create u adsense account other networks also not easy adsense still the best if you respect their rules