AdscendMedia down


Registered Member
Dec 5, 2009
Reaction score
What's happening with adscendmedia? They are down since yesterday
Not the first time
i have seen them down for 3 days in 2009
They aren't down since yesterday. They went down yesterday for a little while, but I'm logged in right now and I've already made $20 with them so far today.
I heard it was DNS issue? Meaning some users might be affected while some not?
However, just to hijack your thread, anyone noticed or experienced drastic lost of leads/sales. I had lost about 50% of my sales/leads since Friday 13th. Shit
Yea they where down for hours last night sucked cause yesterday I sent the most traffic to my site!

And they have forums? Never seen that
Posted via Mobile Device
Adscend Media is the best. I make 3x as much with them then other CPA networks. They were doing updates. works fine now.
It seems like their servers are a constant battle. I'm glad I stopped sending them traffic when I did back when they were down for like a week straight. Lol I guess it's better than dealing with CPA l e a d though.
got an email they are updating thier forums and changing servers

You must have us confused with someone else ;)

We were down intermittently last night. I don't believe it was ever down for more than 6 or 7 minutes, and it went down maybe 5 or 6 times. After a ticket with our DDoS protection services we got everything sorted and stable.
You must have us confused with someone else ;)

We were down intermittently last night. I don't believe it was ever down for more than 6 or 7 minutes, and it went down maybe 5 or 6 times. After a ticket with our DDoS protection services we got everything sorted and stable.

Is there a hour by hour chart that will reflect downtime? If not can one be added to our admin panel?
Posted via Mobile Device
Can't believe they're STILL getting ddosed. It's already been like four months lol
yep they are down, But gateway also loading slow here so for those user who has slow internet connection can get easily Bypass ma gateway so i am geting 25% less clicks !! :(
Notice this also! You need to put a timer on your content to show in X seconds to prevent this.

yep they are down, But gateway also loading slow here so for those user who has slow internet connection can get easily Bypass ma gateway so i am geting 25% less clicks !! :(
Posted via Mobile Device
Adscend media down again? For me it is not loading from last 1 hr or so
Adscend media down again? For me it is not loading from last 1 hr or so
it's fine from here and it seems from other places as well: