Address Scraper


Feb 9, 2013
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Is it possible to scrape the store addresses from sites that use bing maps as their store locator? For example: would it be possible to get the location of every Taco Bell? I've tried yellow page scrapers but the data is too inaccurate or out dated for what I need to do. If it's possible to get the data directly from the source it would be much better. If possible, any idea how difficult it would be to build a scraper that can do this?

Depending on what you are trying to do and who you are targeting. I go to the chamber of commerce sites for each of the larger cites and scrap them once a year to build my list. Just another idea. Info is usually always up to date.
That's a good idea but I don't think it will work for what I want to do. Anybody know if it's possible?
Just email the store that you need the data in excel file because you are building a new review site or something blah blah. I am sure they will themself mail you the data in excel file or whichever format you require. ;)
I think it can be. but better ask a good skilled developer.
I have spent some time inspecting site scripts, and I found a way to do it and possibly make a scraper out of it. PM me with your skype so that we can discuss this further. Thanks
Thanks. What's the long answer? It sounds like you are familiar with what it would take. Is it something that would be difficult to program?

sorry dude, but I have no time to do a complex research of bing maps. i've done similar project in the past for google maps. i'm sure that this task can be done. you have to find a coder with a strong background in web-scraping (odesk, elance etc.). i mean, there is no "long answer" (or do you want me to write the fucking code right here?). if you want to get some help with hiring (you have no idea about a budget etc.), then i can help you, just pm me, no prob