For example, the way they do it on piratebay, if you search for something, and click on any torrent, they'll open new advertise-tab in your browser (I wanted to paste the link but bhw dont let me because im not long enough here as user). do you know what advertising network are they using?It sounds like you are describing a popunder. Any advertising network should have something like that for you, or you could create your own using your affiliate offers.
that's what i was talking about. i want to put some code with ad site that will change randomly just like on adsense. I'm using adsense for about month now, and have about 5000-6000 daily views, but dont manage to get over 2 $ daily...This can be easy coded manually but i suppose you don't need to code that for every link. If you do i will do it . If not try finding something which will do it automatically
You can get it on Safelinkconverter they have Javascript that works on any website.Any code that works?