actually what cause 502 error?


Jan 7, 2018
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just curious

is it your hosting side your plan is going to max up " causing it ? need to upgrade for higher plan?

both could be the reason, the hosting and the dns management, If your cloudflare IPs are blocked in host firewall you will get this error.
both could be the reason, the hosting and the dns management, If your cloudflare IPs are blocked in host firewall you will get this error.
hmmm I does go check out , search
is kinda No due to your current hosting package limit , resources going to reach max ?
is More on the host server , also your browser sometimes , just refresh and back to normal which is correct I just now does it.

but got once i fresh many times due error so go support , they told me yes, they doing some upgrade , maintenance thus i got that error .
check also your provider of your Internet and change maybe your local DNS to Google or Cloudflare

Or check the site with your Smartphone with 4G (no WLAN). If you see the same Error code, you know its a problem by your hoster and not your provider
502 -> Bad gateway transfer protocol error, it's generic. I suggest checking your .htaccess configuration and your domain's DNS to make sure there isn't any infinite loops or conflicting multiple .htaccess files.