Active 118k Account struggles


Junior Member
Oct 16, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys, long time no see.

So my problem is that my growth rate is really really low. Like really low. I hit the 100k mark in March. 7 months have passed and Ive only gained 18k followers. Well, I stopped using FL or other S4S methods and just kept posting pictures, so im fine and my engagement is still good (10k likes on average). But I want to reach 200k, 500k and maybe 1m one day. I definately have the potential to, Im one of the biggest ones in the Niche.

What can I do to boost my growth? Use FL again? And if so, which settings would be the best for me?
I was really worried about losing my Account, so I stopped.

That's a huge goal.. Maybe try some other type of marketing.
What niche is the account
If you reach 100k avoid using any software and try to grow naturally by being more active and interacting with users. Or buy likes from big accounts etc.
I hope this will help. Have you considered posting at timezone schedule? Also, are you using specified hashtags?