Oh, yes. I did have an issue with the mod_security on my webhost. Best option was to make a call and talk to somebody way smarter than me, at the webhosting company. That did get the problem solved. All this was clearly covered in the tutorials on the Serplify. I am not an experienced Serplify user. There is the concept out there in SEO land that using any spun content is bad news, and thet Google new Terminator Hunter Killer will "know" when it detects the correct interpretation of either/or as being good/bad to push that URL to the vaunted heights of Page One, Position One, Google search for (please insert keyword phrase). I bow in your general direction, to the great ones out there in BHW, who know so way much more because you have the results, the history, of being able to do exactly what I've just described. It is the past ability coupled with the right-now ability: You can, right now, look at your list of current page one rankings across however many websites and whatevers. What do you think of Serplify? What about spun content? What are the very best spinners, if any? Reveal your inner guide.