Do you want to log in into webpage or into phone app ?it's big different,I'm looking for software that will make it look like I'm on a phone by logging in from the computer.
I want to show myself like at phone when ı am using computer.Do you want to log in into webpage or into phone app ?it's big different,
if it just webpage, you can change browser User Agent to looks like it using Android phone .
its look game agent maybe I did not find what I looking forBlueStacks would be the good appropriate option. Enjoy it.
I tried all but my problem is still continue.. maybe just genymotion was good but very slow also I had problem with changing proxySo, what you're looking for is an emulator, as stated above.
You can emulate Android's operating system within your browser to run mobile apps, etc.
Here are a few apps/sites that can help you do this:
- Headspin
- GenyMotion
- Appetize
- SauceLabs