A6W Blogger


Regular Member
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hello. I want to start a journey blog. I want to get six pack during the summer time.
I got a idea.
I want to setup a blog and update it every day with my picture and results.
When i'm done with A6W i gonna train in my home. Don't wanna go to a GYM.
It's anyway to earn from this blog?
Im gonna also create few youtube videos, facebook fanpage, maybe pinterest account for pinning my images everyday.
Someone here doing the same? I want to know users knowdlege about this kind of blog.
That's a good idea. One way to prove how effective A6W is! and i think you'll get more viewers when your blog is successful.
Just look at google search it's a lot of opinions about a6w.
About 90% of opinions are positive :)