A new old memeber on the BHW block!

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Mar 8, 2010
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Hello, there!

I'm Daniel. I've been on the forum since a lot of time, but just reading here and there without posting. I decided to change that. I want to become part of this wonderful community. I'm turning 20 in a few weeks and i thought this is a good time to enter the world of the black hat magic. I am from Bulgaria, if you ever heard of it loll.

I am into IM since a year and a half. I am writing articles on a full time basis here and this is y passion for sure. I definitely want to continue with that while improve myself in some different aspects of marketing for the Internet. Well here I am, if you have any questions I will be happy to answer them.

See you soon!
Hello Daniel, and welcome to the greatest internet marketing forum on the planet!
You made a wise choice by joining our little club consisting of over 600,000 members. :)

Enjoy Your Stay! - "Wiz"
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