A lot of time and internet knowledge, need start


Aug 8, 2010
Reaction score
I have a ton of time on my hands in the next approximately year. What is the best way to start putting this into use right now. I don't mean make money right now I just mean get on the path without procrastinating. Time is money and if there's anything anybody can recommend to point a n3wb in the right direction I would very greatly appreciate it! Also, this forum is awesome. Hopefully soon I will be able to help contribute my own ideas.
Take a method you've seen here. Follow it. Make changes on the way that make sense if you're knowledgeable, or follow it completely. Don't expect to make much, it's your first lesson in experience.

Just get started and don't stop. The stuff you learn on your own is more valuable than what someone else will tell you.
I have a ton of time on my hands in the next approximately year. What is the best way to start putting this into use right now. I don't mean make money right now I just mean get on the path without procrastinating. Time is money and if there's anything anybody can recommend to point a n3wb in the right direction I would very greatly appreciate it! Also, this forum is awesome. Hopefully soon I will be able to help contribute my own ideas.

Highly suggest setting up a forum

In a year youll reach a nice critical mass and the site will start running itself

Just not a blackhat forum cause thats already dominated ;)
Work your ass off and never give up. Never change the method you are working on. Go whitehat if you want long-term income. Feel free to follow my blog at http://www.2015millionaire.com I'm sure you'll pick up some tips as I learn too!