A $1000 Product!


Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Hey All..
I know how my thread topic sounds! :vroam:

But seriously, I would like to know if anyone of you have ever bought an IM product worth $1000 or more- at one go that is. Being totally honest here, I havent and strangely neither have I come across one. I have designed $497 worth of products in the past (A done for you service- nothing fancy!) but when it comes to $1000+ products, I am at a loss for ideas and presentation as well as content.

Appreciate your feedback guys..xx
i don't think there is any product of $1000 in IM. Maximum i have came across is xrumer which is like $500.
Xrumer is 650 now.

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There are plenty of 'Dan Kennedy' internet marketing products that are over $1000 .. some even come with a "free" iPad. But wait, what am I talking about, a "free iPad" well for just $497 a month in six monthly instalments we'll give you an iPad preloaded with a ton of our other sh!t information products. This is a bargain, you'd pay more than $6000 to buy these products separately. Just talk our pretty representatives now to sign up and walk away with your free iPad!!

*cough cough, clears throat* .. Sorry about that, I don't know what happened to me :usa1:
Thanks people
Oh well, Deagan Smith (spare me the axe for spelling!) charges like $10,000 for a 3 day workshop. I was thinking more on the lines of a total package which includes a complete blueprint to any struggling IMer. Hmmm
If someone is going around charging $10,000 dollars for a 3 day workshop, the only thing they're good at is monetizing their target audience (i.e. you). As the old adage goes "those who can, do; those who can't, teach"...
I totally agree..however, I never attended that workshop lol
Salesmanship is what matters I guess
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I have got a friend who pays $1000/month for one item...But then again, this is the best cloaker anyone could ever have. And he won't even tell me what it is. The jerk.
$1000/month for a cloaking-script .. wow .. just wow .. your friend is being robbed!!! :cool:

Cloaking is not *that* hard to do, even someone with basic skills in say PHP could get a basic one working perfectly. If you are an intermediate programmer and spend 2-3 hours at it you'd probably have a very sophisticated one.

. o O ( note to self: must package up my cloaking script and sell it on a monthly subscription )
You'd be better of asking what would people pay $1k to have?

There is probably lots of ideas that people people would pay this for. How bout a bulk adwords tool that takes multiple keyword variations, and popular performing ads, re-writes them and then syncs with your adwords account.

I would pay for that.