

Junior Member
Jan 20, 2009
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I have three 16 year olds willing to work for $10 Hr. I was thinking chocolate, it is the Christmas season. I buy it at $1 and sell it at $2. They would go door to door selling this. i could probably push 100 bars an hour easily, so $70 profit an hour, the problem is H1N1, would people still buy the chocolate? where would i get it? and What else can i promote door to door?
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Yes, I think they would still buy. If some kid came to my door my wife would buy a bunch. Usually it's school related though or tied in with some organization. Maybe donate some proceeds to local animal shelter or something like that. You need a good hook. And maybe younger kids would work better.
so you don't know where to buy the chocolate but you know you can get it for $1?

Here's a source. They have a chart here that shows 10k profit with about hundred cases.
lol and paying $10/hour to them? ;)
They will be happy with $5 as well!
Thanks, I saw a few websites, but the shipping would kill me. I talked to few people in my area, just waiting for them to get back to me.

Thanks for the help.
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You are looking for a site that supplies stuff for fundraising (like what schools and clubs do to make extra money) People will not buy stuff from you if you go door to door unless they think it is for a good cause, so consider giving a portion of the profits to a good cause. This is how schools and clubs make money for activities.

Check out http://www.buyforcharity.com/2-chocolate-fundraiser for the candy and go to ezinearticles and look for ideas on fundraising.
You are looking for a site that supplies stuff for fundraising (like what schools and clubs do to make extra money) People will not buy stuff from you if you go door to door unless they think it is for a good cause, so consider giving a portion of the profits to a good cause. This is how schools and clubs make money for activities.

Check out http://www.buyforcharity.com/2-chocolate-fundraiser for the candy and go to ezinearticles and look for ideas on fundraising.

microsal is right. i think people only purchase things like that for fundraisers for good causes. now that I think about it when I used to do that as a kid they would always ask me what it was for.
When I was a kid I did jump rope for heart, people would give money for nothing, made $75 a day. Of course I gave it to my school. So can I make a fake cause? And what do you think about malls and such?
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why don't you just say that the part is going for some good cause? you can easily give away 5% from your earnings !
I did some door to door fundraising about two years ago and it was a nightmare. People wanted acreditation, badges, etc etc

I think the younger the kids, the more likely people are to donate.
ya you could always say part of the proceeds goes to x charity. get some stickers from a charity and put them on the box/bars.
I also don't think your projection of 100 bars a hour is close to what you will actually sell if you are going door to door. Think about it, that means each teen has to sell 30 bars a hour or one every two minutes. When you factor in the time to talk to people and walk between houses, pretty unlikly you will sell that much a hour. You might have better luck with hitting apartments. If you were to set up a table close to a busy store and do it for a real charity, you would still get to keep the majority of the money....but the charity will give you advertising material and make it all legit. Just go to some of the fundraising sites and it will give you some ideas.

Some of the people in this thread have given you some good advice dynasty814.....you might consider using the thanks button.
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I used to sell coupons door-to-door (yes, coupons...I sold them...I did it for 2 and a half years) and I'll tell you something right now. DON'T pay them an hourly rate, pay them based on performance.

Going D2D is difficult, discouraging, tiring and most importantly requires an intense amount of motivation!

If you're paying them $10 an hour, what is their incentive? There isn't any (other than the fear of being fired. To be honest though, the fear of being fired from a sh1tty D2D sales job isn't much of an incentive). You're paying them regardless of what happens. What you're going to end up with is a bunch of college kids sitting around on sidewalks for eight hours eating candy bars and then coming back to you with their hands out looking for a paycheck.

Pay them based on the volume they push. Like I said, D2D sales requires some driving force to get you to continue doing it (because it sucks)...and there is no driving force like the desire for money.

If you'd like some tips on how to convince somebody to actually want to sell D2D for performance based pay, let me know. During that two and half years that I sold coupons D2D, the last year and a half it was not only my job to sell the coupons, but to "interview" people to do it as well. (Convince is more like it...kind of like in the movie Boiler Room...but it was an "on the job" interview...meaning I was selling D2D while "interviewing" the candidate).

During that time frame I successfully convinced about 620 people to take the job.

I'll tell you this though, there is nothing in the world that will teach you sales quite like going D2D...changed my life.
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I used to sell chocolates for some cause forget what it was tho. But anyway best tip I can give you is
1. Make it for good cause or people wont buy! PERIOD
2. Younger kids might be better, but 16 year olds would work

I had around 9:10 conversion rates :)
Why don't you just higher one kid to go around to all of the local stores that have computers with internet that you can try.. Like Staples or something. Have the kid fill out a cpa offer with the store's info..

Or get that $100 coupon that was posted on here by someone else, put your cpa offer and put "make $100 a day!" or something. Have the kid go around and drop these all over the store.

Or have them go to computer stores and post ads on cl. Lol its endless what you could have them do. Write for you, sell christmas toys... Sell stuff for christmas (or you do it)... take a laptop to walmart and setup a table and tell people that you sell discounted ipods, iphones, etc. and that you will send it to their house. Then all you gotta do is dropship to them...

Cookiestuff one of your "business" websites.. tell people (using a similar method as above) and tell them you sell brand new blah on blah.com for a lot cheaper price. Tell them to go to blah.com to find out more. Have a list on the front page or something with links to ebay to buy the stuff at a much cheaper price. Bam.. easy money (cuz you cookiestuffed the front page)

Good luck!
How much do you have to invest? You need a laptop with a wifi card, some Tshirts made, and a Sharpie marker.

'Cause it sounds like a good time to pick a charitable cause and gather some information. Get some brochures, stickers, etc. Then, sign up for a CPA offer that requires a full signup (name/address/zip/etc, no credit cards) and pays out well -- but it has to be a somewhat classy product -- makeup, for example. NOT acai or stop-smoking, but something with a gentlemans/ladies feel to it.

Get T-shirts made with the product's logo on the back and the charity's on the front (real small, on the breast-pocket area. Just black and white will do.

Pay for a booth in a mall for a weekend -- it's shopping season, so you're gonna hit some big crowds. Get all three of your teens wearing those shirts, directing people to sign up for a free sample of whatever classy product you're supporting. Tell them that you're gathering money for X charity, and that for everyone who signs up for the FREE SAMPLE, $x goes to the charity. (Don't tell them that you're keeping the other 90% of whatever you make.)

Have the kids hand out brochures for the charity that say "Thank you!" on them in Sharpie marker.

You can easily pull in an average of 30 signups per hour; if you make only $4 for yourself per signup, that's $120 per hour - $30 for the kids is $90 for you.

Granted, that's only on the weekends. :)

And yes, I got this idea from this forum, but I can't find the thread right now, or I'd link to it...I can tell you from experience that it works, though!