502 Bad Gateway, Duplicate Posts, Slowness


Elite Member
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Ones,

Like other members, I too am facing many forum errors like 502 Bad Gateway errors, slow speeds, and duplicate posts. Can you get down to finding what causes them and come up with great solutions?

Obviously, I like this website very much! :D

God Bless!
Thank you BHW!
Yep - what he said - but - I think

considering the size of this forum now, and the ability of the hosting server to serve the demand (the load must be enormus at times) I am happy to put up with these things because I know it is not possible to nail them down either swiftly or accurately. it is something we may have to put up with for a long time

Mods please correct me if I am wrong
The 502 bad gateway error seems to happen every night between 12:30am pst and 2:00am pst here in Cali. I never seem to get it any other times of the day.

It's kind of strange because the number of members online is at it's lowest around this time.

Yes I feel the same way you do. I love coming to this forum and giving back to the comunity. I can deal with the bad gateway errors, I know BHW will get it all worked out in the end.
yeah same here (between 2:30-3:00am) every night or morning that is. atleast its only for a short period of time.
Happens here between 5:30 and 6:00 but im on the east coast
I am also with the OP...I too face the problems...Mainly problems comes while sending the pm's....It takes around 20-30 secs to go to next screen while sending the PM...and after that it shows the white screen!!! :(

502 Bad Gateway is also a common problem a face on bhw!!
Yeah its every day around 5pm for me in Oz ... not accurate enough to set my watch by though :)
The 502 bad gateway error seems to happen every night between 12:30am pst and 2:00am pst here in Cali. I never seem to get it any other times of the day.
It's kind of strange because the number of members online is at it's lowest around this time.
Same here except like 2-3am thru 5-6am EST or so .....

Really strange since that's the slack time as noted .....

Perhaps the server is busy at peak with other sites, etc or something at those times .....

HTH .... :cool2:
It does it for me too, everyday near 8AM UTC and 9AM UTC
The 502 bad gateway error seems to happen every night between 12:30am pst and 2:00am pst here in Cali. I never seem to get it any other times of the day.

It's kind of strange because the number of members online is at it's lowest around this time.

Thats because servers are habitual of high traffic of BHW, when traffic goes down, servers get angry, lol