5 Easy Ways to Build Powerful Contextual Back Links

Andrew Scherer

Supreme Member
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
I'm new here and here is something I wrote the other day just to contribute a little bit.

I hope it helps somebody out.

1. Free Content In Exchange For Links

There's many webmasters out there in your niche looking for free unique content - you just have to find them and provide it.

Here's a few search strings that have WORKED WONDERS for me.

bluewidget guest blogger wanted
bluewidget guest writer
bluewidget guest blog post writer
bluewidget add article
bluewidget add blog post
bluewidget add content
bluewidget submit content
bluewidget submit article
bluewidget submit post
bluewidget submit blog post

(replace bluewidget with your niche)

2. Buying Blog Posts and Reviews on Established Blogs

Trot over to any webmaster Buy/Sell/Trade section and make a thread that you're buying blog posts. You'll get offers, but most of them will be junk. Sift through the dirt to find the gold.

Search for established blogs that are relevant to the niche you?re in for the best result.

Make sure the blogs are aged and not dropped - this tool will help you find out: http://whois.domaintools.com

You can also find good deals on posts from blog networks, but its anyone?s guess as to how long these networks will keep their sites up after the sales stop. Make sure the blogs are spread across a healthy amount of C Class Ips.

3. Create Squidoos and Hubpages - Web 2.0 Marketing

Write some content and create your own Squidoos and Hubpages. Link back to your site twice within the article using your targeted keywords and voila, instant contextual links.

Hubpages will keep the link nofollow until you hit a score of 70. You?ll have to add pictures, unique content, and give it a few links to raise that score.

Getting contextual links from these domains will benefit your site(s) nicely.

4. Article Marketing - Oldie but Goodie

Article marketing - the ?ol? faithful? when it comes to building links. It still works, and works well.

Anytime I see some of my rankings drooping I will fire off some articles and notice a pick-up a week later.

Contextual links galore, make sure the general topic of your articles matches the anchor text of your links in your resource box.

5. Hunting for Contexual Links on Do-Follow Blog Posts

This is a nice little way to build contextual links because the content is already on the page, all you have to do is exploit it (and hope your comment/link gets approved).

Using tools like Fast Blog Finder you can find blog posts that contain your keyword somewhere on the page. When it comes to link relevancy, it doesn?t get any better than that.
My score on hubpages is exactly 70, but my links are nofollow. Is there a special way to add links when you get to 70 points so they will be ********?
My score on hubpages is exactly 70, but my links are nofollow. Is there a special way to add links when you get to 70 points so they will be ********?

That's odd last I heard the score was 70 and this was a few months ago.

Can anyone confirm if they've changed it or something?
4. Article Marketing
Hi, I am new here too. May I ask? what is the advisable rate for linking keyword into my website?
is it effective that, i write a content and keep posting on diff article directories using the same article, is it effective?

5. Hunting for Contexual Links on Do-Follow Blog Posts
may I ask? how do you usually post a comment that aims at targeted building backlink?

I'm new here and here is something I wrote the other day just to contribute a little bit.

I hope it helps somebody out.

1. Free Content In Exchange For Links

There's many webmasters out there in your niche looking for free unique content - you just have to find them and provide it.

Here's a few search strings that have WORKED WONDERS for me.

bluewidget guest blogger wanted
bluewidget guest writer
bluewidget guest blog post writer
bluewidget add article
bluewidget add blog post
bluewidget add content
bluewidget submit content
bluewidget submit article
bluewidget submit post
bluewidget submit blog post

(replace bluewidget with your niche)

2. Buying Blog Posts and Reviews on Established Blogs

Trot over to any webmaster Buy/Sell/Trade section and make a thread that you're buying blog posts. You'll get offers, but most of them will be junk. Sift through the dirt to find the gold.

Search for established blogs that are relevant to the niche you're in for the best result.

Make sure the blogs are aged and not dropped - this tool will help you find out: http://whois.domaintools.com

You can also find good deals on posts from blog networks, but its anyone's guess as to how long these networks will keep their sites up after the sales stop. Make sure the blogs are spread across a healthy amount of C Class Ips.

3. Create Squidoos and Hubpages - Web 2.0 Marketing

Write some content and create your own Squidoos and Hubpages. Link back to your site twice within the article using your targeted keywords and voila, instant contextual links.

Hubpages will keep the link nofollow until you hit a score of 70. You'll have to add pictures, unique content, and give it a few links to raise that score.

Getting contextual links from these domains will benefit your site(s) nicely.

4. Article Marketing - Oldie but Goodie

Article marketing - the "ol' faithful" when it comes to building links. It still works, and works well.

Anytime I see some of my rankings drooping I will fire off some articles and notice a pick-up a week later.

Contextual links galore, make sure the general topic of your articles matches the anchor text of your links in your resource box.

5. Hunting for Contexual Links on Do-Follow Blog Posts

This is a nice little way to build contextual links because the content is already on the page, all you have to do is exploit it (and hope your comment/link gets approved).

Using tools like Fast Blog Finder you can find blog posts that contain your keyword somewhere on the page. When it comes to link relevancy, it doesn't get any better than that.
I have tried a lot with squidoo an hub pages,, they are really worthy enough..
Good ideas, actually. And, so long as the articles you are submitting to other sites are highest quality and all original (as in not published elsewhere), those pages should rank high and maybe even pass page rank onto the site being linked to.
Nice advice, Andrew!

I'd add one more, (which is incredibly ironic):

Posting Quality Content on Targeted Forums - Locate solid forums with good interaction in a related niche and make a high quality post. Find forums that allow you to include a link (either in post, in signature, or both). Not only will this provide a good back link but can also drive traffic.

Why do I say it's incredibly ironic? Because you, Andrew, shared this quality post on this interactive forum... now if you could only have included a link...

Great stuff!

you have actually shared some really effective ideas. thanks for the share mate.
thanks for sharing, however I couldn't quite understand what you meant by "Trot over to any webmaster Buy/Sell/Trade section.."? where do you do this? what sites?
thanks for sharing, however I couldn't quite understand what you meant by "Trot over to any webmaster Buy/Sell/Trade section.."? where do you do this? what sites?

He's referring to sites like this where people buy/sell internet marketing services.