4k domains free url shortener


Aug 3, 2010
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just made URL Shortener - its still in beta version - i decided to use the 4k domains i own to do something usefull for others. if it kicks in ill think where to go from there

remember its still a beta - if u notice something not working properly please tell me

cant post link :( - makes me sad panda

well i just have to make a riddle




3 first leters from word communication
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What are you talking about. Would you mind explain it more in detail..

This is just to blurry for me.


im talking about new URL shortening service - its free - it allows creating 4k aliases for 1 link
If u are using Agresive Marketing via email / Messangers / Social Networking u most probably gona catch up in varius filters cutting off your link - using this service you can generate 4k aliases of that link. So that can be usefull to some ppl :)
sherinkal, you service is pretty intesting, awaiting link in pmbox and how i can co n ta ct you? or post it here, riddle s difficult )


Interesting concept but a very niche target, not many people are going to need 4k links. But then some will!

Thanks for sharing this OP
I can think of some good uses for this, specifically dealing with mass emailing. Thank you.
you mean it shortens all 4k url's at the same time? explain a little more.. this might be interesting..
This is pretty cool. Is it possible for you to add a feature that would automate the process a little more?

i.e. If i wanted to shorten mylonglink.com/longassslink 1000 different times, maybe i could just input another text box that says output ______ links. then it will randomly select 1000 of your domains and return with a txt file containing all of my short links?
I don't understand what the 4k domains are. Can someone please explain please? :)
was researching on mass shortening on here and on G, but your site is toatlly useless.
this is cool but if you can add stats to the mix it would be very useful since if it does what we need for mass marketing like i do through twitter i need a way to track whats going on as far as visitors on the shortner side
please advise
Can't wait to try this, very unique approach.
ahaaaaa! Just found the catch OP! You open the site in an iframe, which means how the heck is the pagerank gonna be transfered to my link? YOU keep all the juice for yourself!! clever huh?

I too have an url shortener, but the linkjuice is transfered to real domain!!!