Muhammad Yoga
- Aug 18, 2018
- 4
- 0
In this thread I share an Ebook that I used to earn 200$ in less than 24 hours in an autopilot method.
Download :
Download :
files sent via email
I can't send the link because I'm a new member.It does not work like that on here you cannot harvest emails in return for info.
So either post your report link for all, delete your post or get banned.
Update October 2017
$200 in 24 Hours E-book Spam
Every now and then, you might see someone join the forum to promote some stupid e-book written by "Michael Hill" (*cough* real name Raglesh *cough*) titled "$200 in 24 hours". This is an e-book the daft and poor spam on online marketing forums in an attempt to get people to click their affiliate links inside of the e-book. In fact, the e-book specifically tells you to spam it on BHW (among other forums) after changing the links.
The book itself is nuisance, but some people have begun using it to share infected links. If you see someone sharing this book here over PM, threads, or posts; report them right away.
URL Spam Evolved
While many of you may already be familiar with the daily URL spam attack on the forum, what you may not realise is that this spam has been evolving over the last couple of months. Now, rather than use a URL as a title, some of these bot accounts use the first five or so words of the post.
Ghetto Marketplace Threads
I've noticed a resurgence of ghetto marketplace threads (i.e., threads outside of the marketplace or freelancer sections that have turned into a flea market). Some spammers have begun bumping older WTB threads in an endeavour to post their Skype IDs, so if you see threads like this, report them.
Previously Banned Members Selling Via PM - A Lesson Learnt Too Late
It's frustrating seeing these reports so often, but here's a good example of why you shouldn't do business with a yellow member who tries to sell to you via PM.
@maximalo contacted the member whose name I censored below (let's call him Jake) to sell a Canadian database. Jake posted a WTB thread in the wrong section, but that doesn't really matter in this case as maxi pad contacted him via PM. Jake was then lured to Skype to converse with maxi pad regarding the Canadian database, which I imagine went something along the lines of this:
So Jake sent maxi the money and maxi started ignoring Jake, only responding to request even more money before releasing the database (which he probably doesn't have) in an attempt to rip Jake off even further. However, little did Jake know that maxi pad was a previously banned member here who went by the names @sanworg and @gameswil. In fact, there's even a Shit List thread against him where he scammed another member using a similar tactic.
Members Registering With Temporary Email Accounts
There's been a surge in the number of users who have registered on the forum using temporary email account creators (e.g., Shark Lasers and GetAirMail). Many of these users end up getting banned for spamming or scamming.