$20 Upfront payments


Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all. I am new to using AC, but have started making money with techniques I have found on this forum. My questioned to those with more experience is about the suggested content they provide. I found one that was an exclusive payment of $20! So i jumped on that quick. I created a 400+ article and it was published immediately and under the payment tab it was listed as Performance payments only?!?!? WTF? Has anyone had this happen where they published immediately and the payment details change?
ive been keeping tabs on the call 4 content sectino lately and the only one ive seen like that wast he novel beginnings submission. thats not a 20 dollar upfront payment, its a contest with the winner getting 20 dollars.
Like aff219 said, it could have been a contest piece in which AC has the right to accept it for upfronts or if it wasn't up to the standards they were looking for, they can just offer you performance for it. It didn't have the little "partner call" icon next to it, did it?
Yeah, it was "best entry to a story" one so it must have been a contest. I'll watch out for those.
coopster like eveyone has said. Just make sure you read the "fine print."

Good luck!